In attempt to calm her fury at the news of Rachel's pregnancy, Giada was using her Sunday to work on the nursery for her bundle of joy. Bundle of joy! That is what a baby was, not some secret that you keep hidden under your robes for months and refused to share the news with the world. Ooooh, she could not believe Rachel. They had been best friend for as long as she could remember and! How could she keep something this huge from her? And Gabriel. Giada had actually liked him, she thought he was a good match for Rachel, but now she hoped that his pretty face got hit with a bat-bogey hex.
Giada frowned, once again forcing the angry thoughts away so that she could focus. The corner of their bedroom was slowly being transformed into a little world for their baby. They definitely needed to start thinking about getting a bigger place, but Giada didn't think they could risk that while the record shop was still relatively new. For now, a nice paint job and a crib that fit snugly into the corner of the room would have to suffice. They'd get a house when they could afford a house, she was sure the baby wouldn't mind sharing a room with his parents for a while.
She heard Graeme enter the room, but didn't break her gaze from the space of wall over the crib. Giada twirled her wand around, and began to draw shapes in the air, "It's missing something and I can't figure out what."
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