September 1998 [OTA!]
Four months. That's how long it had been since the so-called 'final fall of the Dark Lord'. Perhaps she was cynical, but Andromeda didn't believe the world was going to magically become all right again. She knew this cynicism probably stemmed from the fact that her husband, daughter, and son-in-law had been killed in the war effort. She knew that she should try to be happy for Teddy's sake, so that she could be the grandmother he deserved. And she did try. She took care of him, but looking into his wide, childish eyes and seeing her daughter was still hard.
Harry and the other boys were so good about taking Teddy that it had become too easy to drop him off at one of their houses and have some time for herself. Tonight was one of those nights. She was sitting at a bar in Hogsmeade, alone, with a pint and a greasy burger. Her hair was not done (she had learned that the wilder she let it grow, the more she liked it), and her robes were only passably pressed. Definitely not typical for Andromeda, but becoming more common every day.
Ha. Ironic that she'd lose her clean streak after Ted was gone. It just wasn't as satisfying to clean up your own messes, it seemed.
She frowned, bumping elbows with the nearest person as she leaned forward to cup her forehead in her hand.
"Sorry," she muttered, not bothering to look them in the eye.
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