What: Twin Night = Movie Night + Cake
Where: Twin's Palace of AWESOME
When: 14th November
Rating: F + G for Forge and Gred
Status: Incomplete
Twin time was always a good time in George's opinion. Yes, he liked spending time with his friends and he was sure Fred felt the same. But sometimes he just wanted to tell them all to sod off and keep his Forge all to himself.
Tonight was one of those nights. Thankfully it was a Monday so they didn't have to go anywhere if they didn't want to be. The club was generally quiet on a Monday so neither Twin had to go in because Nine and Pretty had everything covered. So George decided he and his Twin should stay home and have a movie night.
He left Fred in charge of picking which movie (or movies - sometimes they did a movie marathon of a few movies) while he was in charge of the food and drinks. He piled the pillows up against the headboard of his giant bed to make it into a comfy place to lounge around and watch movies.
At first people thought he was just joking when he said he had a nine foot wide bed. But, it was no joke. George's bed was that wide. He had the room, so why not?
The bed also had blankets to ward off the winter chill in the air and a pile of sweets and snacks for the Twins to share, including a tray of mini cupcakes - perfect for eating in bed without putting crumbs everywhere. The house the Twins shared was previously owned by Muggles so it had power outlets for all the exciting Muggle gadgetry the Twins wanted. They both had inherited their father's love of Muggle things - one of their favourites being, of course, the television.
"Twin! Cake!" Gred bellowed, his voice carrying through the house to where ever his Forge was. George was rather loud when he wanted to be. "Hurry up or they'll be all gone!" He leaned back against the pillow and proceeded to munch on a cake with chocolate icing. "Mmm, so good."
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