...'Cause you know that I can.

Writer's Block

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...'Cause you know that I can.
Blast Babies RPG

Writer's Block

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Well, it's official. I've gone paid at LoJo. Flirted with the idea of going Permanent, just to spite LJ (who, in spite of everything, still intend to go forward with their Perm. Acct. sale this month), but we'll see how this goes first.

In other news: Apparently LJ made some changes to its login page. I found this box marked "Writer's Block", that suggests topics for people who cant think of anything to post about. Even creates tags for the posts if you choose to answer the question. And where was this last year, may I ask?

Anyhow, today's topic:

What are your favorite and least favorite words? Any reasons why?

Favorite: "swashbuckler". No real reason, it just sounds cool.

Least-Favorite: "thing."

Random Person(flustered, talking with hands): "AIIIIE!! Drop what you're doing and get over here! The Thing isn't working!!"
Me (dodging hands): "'Thing'? Which 'thing' are we talking about?"
Random: "Um....you know!! The...thing! The THING!"

I work as a building engineer. After your thousandth conversation along these lines, you won't care much for the word either.
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