Current mood: | irritated |
And I slept even worse last night ot the point where I felt sick because I was so hungry because I was up when I wasn't suppose to be. Doesn't help a dreamt about my exfriend and her precious daughter. I was taking care of her as like a babysitter, I miss her a lot. I miss all of them. It was raining pretty hard during the night, but I'm not sure if that is what kept waking me or if it was something else. Wow, I can't believe it's noon again already. I keep sleeping in really late because I'm not getting enough sleep with all of these disruptions.
Might go check out this local bike place today, I hope I'm able to find something I like better than the one I saw at Meijer. Those bikes in there we read up on them and they aren't as well made, figures.
Tuesday, also can't believe it's tues already. I should be getting the next SM vol tomorrow or thrus, that's exciting. I plan on reading 2 and 3 together since I usually read through manga pretty fast. I have my eye on a very cheap vol 5 of Angel: AtF, I really want to finish that season though I think and this makes me sad that they have finished with the comics for that one. ;____;. I was looking through ebay yesterday and there was one HB one titled "THE END" which seems to be the end of what would be the 7th season if the 2nd set of comics continue the story like I think they do. I was really hoping it would go on a lot longer, but Whedon may have had an ending designed from the beginning. My goal though is by mid this year having my hands on most or all of them. 2 more for this season, soon to be one (hopefully) and then 3-5 of the next set (already ahve the first one). If I can get them for under askig price it shouldn't be too hard, right?
Okay, wow I went on that thought for longer than usual. XD;;; Trying to think if there is anything else, going to try and get something else done off the list. I'm definitely feeling better about things which is good.
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