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bess d. fawcett ([info]bestzeller) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2010-01-25 19:10:00

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Entry tags:bess fawcett, drystan fawcett

Her thighs were beginning to hurt, she'd been digging her elbows into them for so long. Bess' face had been hidden in her hands for--she couldn't tell you how long, as Drystan read over the documents she'd received in the post today. She'd somehow managed not to burst into hysterics, but all she could say was that the shock Chester had put her in had forced the tears away.

He didn't want to be a part of Sadie's life, he wanted to ruin hers. And--and Bess had been very good at not being selfish and self-centered, but she knew for a fact that Chester just...hated that she wasn't his and that he couldn't control her and fuck! Just---fuck!

It felt like the universe didn't want her to be happy. Barely two weeks ago she had been the happiest she'd ever been in her life, and it was crashing down already. Of course, she should be beyond grateful that Drystan was willing to go through these trials with her, but right now all she could think of was how Sadie was going to be affected. Her daughter had this lovely life being set up with her, finally with a father figure who wasn't going anywhere, and a little brother! Already! Sadie loved Drystan and Stephen so much, already, and to throw that monster of a father--

---Chester was not, nor will he ever be Sadie's father.

"I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do," she let out, finally dropping her hands. "I've got--no solid evidence about how really dangerous he is."

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2010-01-26 12:25 am UTC (link)
It was a good thing that Hit-Wizard and intervened when he had at the New Year's wedding, because Drystan wasn't quite sure that a few punches and a tackle would ever be enough to satiate the driving need he had to split open Chester's head with something very blunt.

So when Bess had informed him of the court summons, he was quite sure he'd need to be physically restrained in the court room against him. For months, this woman had been nothing but kind and supportive and helpful to him, and finally consented to loving him. To think that anyone, especially not a man she'd once been involved with, would treat her with anything but the same made his blood boil. And as a man who generally tried to hold on to his anonymity, not believing that his flaunting his status would get him anywhere in the world, would hold back nothing in every attempt to see that this awful man got what he deserved.

"You don’t evidence of his danger to Sadie," he said, eyebrows pulled together in concentration. "What you need his evidence that you're—better suited to Sadie's needs. Mothers always tend to win the majority of custody, and you've been able to provide for her for nearly three years… she's been living with you for all that time, and you've been…" Drystan trailed off, looking speculative.

"May I ask you something? How does Sadie feel about her—father?"

He might have cut his teeth a little on the word.

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2010-01-26 01:02 am UTC (link)
"I don't want him having any sort of custody!" she let out, not angry at Drystan, but unable to help her tone. "I could get her for three-hundred and sixty four days out of the year and that one last day will kill me."

She had to prove that Chester was a threat. Who would refuse a weekend visitation sort of thing, with a father who 'wants' to be in his daughter's life? That's what the courts wanted, children services loved hearing those kind of stories...no, it wouldn't take much for Chester to get some visitation, and it made Bess absolutely sick.

Her eyes flicked over to Drystan at his question, her tongue twisting furiously in her mouth. How did Sadie feel?

"She thinks you're her father, that's what she feels," Bess let out quickly, feeling her face heat up at the statement. It was the truth, her daughter had been obsessed with dads since a recent trip to the Weasleys and a tea party with Arthur ensued, "--she's never met Chester to feel anything."

Though when she was kidnapped, Bess was sure Sadie and Chester had some quality time. Her skin crawled at the thought.

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2010-01-26 01:38 am UTC (link)
His mouth quirked upwards, just for a brief second, at her last words, but was quick to clear his face. It did not take much, however, because the frustration that resurged was sobering.

"There must be something," he insisted, dragging a hand through his hair. "Character witnesses? What about—domestic violence? That Hit-Wizard who broke us up at the wedding, he—would—" But he would, what? That was a fight Drystan had initiated, and while it might be true that the man might lie for them, and that his word might be more believable than that of some obscure, absentee father, it was a very weak case.

"Has he ever threatened you in print? Something with cold, hard evidence?" Because the more he thought about it, the more she was right. Bess might win full custody, but if he presented his case just right, Chester was more than able to secure visiting rights, or some other form of contact with Sadie… and that was the last thing they wanted.

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2010-01-26 02:15 am UTC (link)
Bess tensed at 'domestic violence,' and bit her tongue. Since he'd decided to waltz back into her life nearly a two years ago (shit--) Bess had dealt with her strange encounters with Chester by just--ignoring him, or avoiding him, or just...She couldn't admit to herself the things she believed Chester had done to her in fear that finding them to be true would completely devastate her.

"He--a few weeks ago," she started, avoiding Drystan's eyes, "I was at this cafe and he...I don't even know, he had the waitress confunded to think I was his girlfriend, and my chair became stuck to the ground and---he talked of going about things the hard way and..." Bess shivered, crossing her arms.

She felt embarrassed, telling Drystan these things. Like she couldn't protect herself from this idiot she'd made the mistake of falling in love with nearly four years ago.

"And I didn't let him dance with me, he grabbed me and...I can't prove anything else," Bess muttered, slumping back into her previous position the heels of her hands digging into her eyes once again.

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