Her thighs were beginning to hurt, she'd been digging her elbows into them for so long. Bess' face had been hidden in her hands for--she couldn't tell you how long, as Drystan read over the documents she'd received in the post today. She'd somehow managed not to burst into hysterics, but all she could say was that the shock Chester had put her in had forced the tears away.
He didn't want to be a part of Sadie's life, he wanted to ruin hers. And--and Bess had been very good at not being selfish and self-centered, but she knew for a fact that Chester just...hated that she wasn't his and that he couldn't control her and fuck! Just---fuck!
It felt like the universe didn't want her to be happy. Barely two weeks ago she had been the happiest she'd ever been in her life, and it was crashing down already. Of course, she should be beyond grateful that Drystan was willing to go through these trials with her, but right now all she could think of was how Sadie was going to be affected. Her daughter had this lovely life being set up with her, finally with a father figure who wasn't going anywhere, and a little brother! Already! Sadie loved Drystan and Stephen so much, already, and to throw that monster of a father--
---Chester was not, nor will he ever be Sadie's father.
"I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do," she let out, finally dropping her hands. "I've got--no solid evidence about how really dangerous he is."
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