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harshmod ([info]harshmod) wrote,
@ 2008-05-15 14:41:00

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Pirouette 8.4 // Serotonin 8.2 // Party 8.9


The Nines

Pyr0m4n14c 9.8 // Midnight 9.7 // Cecille 9.6 // Armsliketowers 9.4

Ibmxcrazy 9.4 // Gutterslut 9.4 // Ashly 9.3 // Perfidious 9.3

Elephant 9.2 // Canaduh 9.1 // Keyblade 9.1 // 61_Keys_To_Play 9.0

Jacobjunkie_177 9.0 // Athens 9.0 // Lemonade 9.0

The Eights

4Chan 8.9 // Caffeine 8.8 // Appeal 8.8 // Spliff 8.8

Pocahontas 8.7 // Ashwee 8.7 // Bubblegum 8.6 // Create 8.6

Harlequin 8.6 // Maerd 8.5 // Rambo 8.5 // Daynalove 8.5

Camaro 8.4 // Rocketpower 8.4 // Tinkerbell_ 8.4 // Beaut 8.4

Mazes 8.4 // How 8.2 // Wild 8.2 // Dessen 8.1

Sexytime 8.0

The Sevens

Roark 7.8 // Persephone 7.8 // Snapple 7.8 // Higinia 7.8

Dust 7.3 // Nitroglycerin 7.0

Need Apps for: Roark

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