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[Jun. 13th, 2010|08:47 pm]
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REALLY sorry about the delay. It's totally my fault. I kind of... lost track of what day it was, honestly. I just realized yesterday was Saturday like a liiiittle while ago. Anyway, moving right along! Vote for two icons!

01 02 03

04 05

New theme will be up in a few! Sorry about the delay again. Voting will be extended until Tuesday because it was only started today.

[User Picture]From: [info]kiokushitaka
2010-06-19 12:41 am (UTC)


Is everything alright? o.o;; Results never got posted...
[User Picture]From: [info]kogarasumaru
2010-06-19 05:48 am (UTC)


OMFG I'm so sorry. >__<;

I had some serious issues with my internet and then one day scribbld wouldn't load and IDK WHY I think my firewall had a freakout b/c it wouldn't let me go to certain sites for some reason BUT I'm going to post everything now.

x__x I'm so sorry times like a million.
[User Picture]From: [info]kiokushitaka
2010-06-19 05:52 am (UTC)


Oh! I was worried that you'd been in an accident or were sick and bedridden! o3o;;
[User Picture]From: [info]kogarasumaru
2010-06-19 05:58 am (UTC)


Luckily no. D: My dog had to get shots, if that counts, but it was just like... internet-computer apocalypse going on this week. I was living at a coffee shop for more than half the week. ;;
[User Picture]From: [info]kiokushitaka
2010-06-19 06:09 am (UTC)


Well, it's good to know you're alive! :D
[User Picture]From: [info]kogarasumaru
2010-06-19 06:15 am (UTC)



D: Though I missed entering in like 90% of the icon contests this week. ;;
[User Picture]From: [info]kiokushitaka
2010-06-19 06:16 am (UTC)


Well, the new themes are up! :D Don't feel too bad. I missed some of yours and I wasn't even away. I just forgot 'cause I'm awesome. :B
[User Picture]From: [info]kogarasumaru
2010-06-19 06:21 am (UTC)


YES. I'm totally going to get started on them right now! X3 Lawl you make me feel better <3
[User Picture]From: [info]kiokushitaka
2010-06-19 06:44 am (UTC)


No lie, I just like knowing people are happy.
[User Picture]From: [info]kogarasumaru
2010-06-19 06:45 am (UTC)


Awesome. :D

:x Though I'm kinda iffy or not to enter at animeicontest just now 'cause it's a repeat-theme so Idk if it's gonna get changed or not... -staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaares at it-
[User Picture]From: [info]kiokushitaka
2010-06-19 06:55 am (UTC)


She's repeated it once before, and the other mod's used it too. They... don't communicate, like, at all. So it's no wonder they have things like that happen.
[User Picture]From: [info]kogarasumaru
2010-06-19 06:59 am (UTC)


Oh. xD; Lmao well, this is the first time that specific theme was repeated. (It was the second theme I did after my disappearance from Scribbld so I remember it well. XD;)

...Even so, would you remember if you did a theme or not? >>; Idk, I just have a weird memory for things I think... In a RP I'm in I remember every single person Lelouch has Geassed in the past 3 years and I don't even play Lelouch. :| I'm such a character stalker.
[User Picture]From: [info]kiokushitaka
2010-06-19 07:02 am (UTC)


I do but only 'cause I keep up with a list of past themes. XD If I can't remember, I consult the list!
[User Picture]From: [info]kogarasumaru
2010-06-19 07:07 am (UTC)


Teehee, I did that just in case for this icon contest. xD; Just 'cause while I have a good memory, sometimes I spazz or it's a really general theme like a specific color theme. Like. THIS WEEK. Is green. Idk.

...That's not this week btw. Jsyk. Even though I randomly became fascinated with like... uber-vibrant-green lately. >>;

-hides in the corner of bright colors, wtf- I WENT FROM HATING BRIGHT COLORS TO LOVING THEM IN ONLY A FEW MONTHS I'm so confused.
[User Picture]From: [info]kiokushitaka
2010-06-19 07:09 am (UTC)


Haha, me too! I like. Really love vibrant colors now when I used to like muted ones.
[User Picture]From: [info]kogarasumaru
2010-06-19 07:10 am (UTC)


I think mine started recently when I realized that 97% of the clothing I owned was black. -_-