...'Cause you know that I can.

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...'Cause you know that I can.
Blast Babies RPG

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Well, since I brought it up in my reply to [info]mortalhelix, figured I'd expand on it here.

Back in September, I (very reluctantly) moved back in with my mother, the rental market at the time being too hostile for me to do anything else. It bites chafes a bit (I've gotten used to having my own space now ;_; ) but considering the alternative ($800+ for a crappy 1-bedroom ON TOP OF utilities and renter's property & flood insurance) I don't have much choice. If/when the "Road(block) Home" program gets off the ground, things should get better, as it imposes rent controls for rental properties in return for financial assistance to the landlords, but I'm stuck with it for the time being. (incidentally, my mother's adding a one-bedroom apartment which she's pushing as an alternative, and has guaranteed me "pre-Katrina rent" if I take it. Still don't consider it nearly enough space, but I may well take it if the market doesn't improve soon.)

Anyhow...since all the furniture I purchased/received in Victoria, TX is still in Victoria, TX, since I'd had no place in N.O. to put it when I returned last year, I had nothing to sleep on when I moved back in. Figuring I'd get my stuff back in a few months, I bought an el cheapo metal futon from MalWart, one with sides that folded up (so it could be used as a chair) or down (for sleeping). It looked cute in the store, felt suprirsingly good to sleep on at first, and I figured it could use it as a chair in the bedroom once I got my shit out of Texas.

Today, though....damn, the thing is uncomfortable. The mattress ticking is crushed down pretty thoroughly, but the biggest problem is the metal frame on which the mattress rests. It essentially consists of two sections of wire mesh, with a rigid metal support bar in the center. The two wire sections are bowing in under my weight, but the center bar isn't, creating an uncomfortable ridge resting against the small of my back at night. And though I didn't really notice it at first, it's REALLY taking a toll, on both my back and on my temper during the day.

So a few minutes ago, I just ordered another interim replacement: a twin-sized raised AeroBed. Figure I can use it as a guest bed once I get things straightened out. And (if I ever get another chance to go) camping in Mississippi's going to kick ass with this thing. No more padding my sleeping bags with beds of leaves. =D

And no, I've no idea why I just wrote all this either. ^^;; Have to justify my paying for an LJ somehow, I guess.
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