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Kate Sharkface ([info]oo) wrote in [info]equations,
@ 2010-03-11 10:38:00

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Obviously, Kayla Anne, shes really like my sister and not just because shes attached to my brother-in-law, thats only a technical aspect that came wayyyy later.

And Alley my darling, you are my love and thats not even just because we terrorize science teachers, its way deeper than that.

Manda you are my favorite and I always click the links you and sam post on each other's shit. Always. I never hesitate, its always good shit.

Natalieee my lovely ladeee. CONTAINER STORE!

Jaquelin youre such a doll, Your spirit animal is a doe cuz i fawn ova u

Also, create, xom, dust, we need to be friends on facebook!

teh pixies 4 lyf
ill always love system of a down idgaf
and modest mouse and the decemberists
and beirut and lavender diamond and band of horses
But I am obsessed with ManMan and Reefer and edward sharpe and a bunch of other stuff but I can't think of anything cuzzz i havent listened to music since my computer died.

I love so many movies this is too hard

Darjeeling Limited
Life Aquatic
Pineapple Express
Step Brothers
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Eternal Sunshine
Everything is illuminated
Sunshine Cleaning

TV Shows:
WEEDS all time numba one
trueblood u.u
my name is earl
flight of the conchords
mighty boosh

Barstow DelTaco's tostadas
Sourdough Jacks with no bacon from JintheB
Chili Lime Hot Cheetohs
Really Ripe Clementines
Potatoes of all kinds

Orange Juice, I drink a looot of it
Red tea with lots of cream and sugar and honey
diet coke with a lemon
root beer
cactus cooler :(

Lockpick Pornography and Too Late to Say I'm Sorry
All the wicked books
all the trueblood books
Merlin by Alfred Noy(?) LOL
Looking for Alaska

Mariner's Revenge Song - the decemberist
Cactus - pixies
Running, Returning - akron/family
Home - Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes
May Bayleen - Reefer
there is way more than that but thats all i can think of off the top of my brain

Quotes: (from film, real life, your own mouth, anywhere)
"I'm a scamp, but I'm an honest scamp" - George Hamilton
"Two things come naturally, you are born and you die. Everything else in between you have to make happen for yourself." - Mr. Evans.
"I never said I was a role model" ;p

Actors & Actresses:
James Franco
Natalie Portman
Sarah Silverman
Hunter Parrish

[A category of your choosing] Hobbies:
gettin' tattooed
gettin' pierced
thrift shoppin'
givin sawyer baths

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2010-03-11 06:01 pm UTC (link)
Can't believe I forgot to put Looking For Alaska in my favs

oh and did you miss the memo nig, this is a top 5 not a top 5+ DUH

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2010-03-12 11:47 am UTC (link)
haaaahaaa dummbieass

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2010-03-11 06:28 pm UTC (link)
You're wonderful, and I agree with all your hobbies...but when I saw Sawyer, I mean from LOST. Man, I'd love to bathe him anytime....

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2010-03-12 11:49 am UTC (link)
hahahaha where are you from? Me and the bitches need to roadtrip out AND FIND YOU

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2010-03-13 06:17 pm UTC (link)
I live in Boston MASS, but I'm from Connecticut. Seriously, come up here and we will chill and smoke and be silly. I hope you have no qualms with wrestling...hahahaha. (It's pretty much my main form of entertainment...that and Scrubs :))

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2010-03-11 07:09 pm UTC (link)

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2010-03-12 01:53 am UTC (link)
I need to watch Weeds. And read Looking for Alaska. And yum, James Franco, Natalie Portman, and Hunter Parrish.
Oh and facebook, even though I'm really boring and am not that often on there.

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2010-03-12 11:50 am UTC (link)
i added you! andddd i love weeds so much it hurts

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2010-03-13 04:06 am UTC (link)
whenever i am bored, i search the container store and look at things i've looked at a hundred times already. ihu :(

jkjk when are we going to this wonderful store? soon plz?

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