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Wicked Tales ([info]wicked_tales) wrote,
@ 2011-03-16 07:35:00

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Peter Pan
Peter Pan
Boy Wonder grown up
And wandering lost

Name:Peter Pan

Story: Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie, Peter wiki

Age: Somewhere in his 30's; he aged when he left Neverland

Gender/Preference: He hasn't sorted out a sexual preference. He didn't think about it much as a boy, though preoccupied with Wendy Darling's kiss (ie, the thimble) he was surrounded by boys and didn't have much use for girls other than to be his mother (which would certainly start a bad dating trend for him if he ever did take an interest)

Appearance: PB: Anthony Michael Hall as an adult (and later as a child)

He is tall, built with muscle. Very rugged in appearance. He did not age well when he did age, perhaps all of those lost years catching up on him quickly. He can appear extremely ragged when tired and run down. His eyes are shocking, bright blue. His hair is sandy brown, sometimes blond, spiky in his adult years, curly in his youth. His smiles are full of mischief. As an adult he wears faded denim, suit jackets and t-shirts. As a boy he wears clothing made of natural things, cobwebs and leaves, large blades of grass.

Personality: Peter is, in his own mind, a leader by divine right. He is arrogant and jealous, forgetful and full of temper. He can be unforgiving in a moment and then forget that there was ever an offense to be punished moments later. He is adventurous with boundless energy. Often of a one track mind until he loses the thread and moves on to something new.

Strengths: His abject fearlessness, his brilliant imagination

Weaknesses: His night terrors, his reckless abandon

Quirks: Hates the sound of church bells.

Secrets: The night terrors ceased when he became an adult; he doesn't know what this means and he's too horrified by it to tell anyone.

Skills & Abilities: He plays the pan flute and is quite skilled at it, he can speak with animals and is fluent in fey, he always used to be able to find the way to Neverland but this skill was lost upon his aging, he's a skilled fencer having "practiced" with Captain Hook on many an occasion, he's a wonderful mimic able to throw his voice and imitate almost anyone he hears.

Supernatural abilities: He can fly without faerie dust. He can imagine things into existence (though this skill has also faded with age), his moods affect the weather of Neverland (though it is not clear if this happens any where else; it didn't in the real world so far as he could tell).

History: Peter's home was originally England, born to a loving mother. At seven days old he decides to fly (as all infants were formerly birds given to human flesh). He escapes through the window of his bedroom in London and flies to Kensignton Garden. He learns from a man called Solomon Crew that he is a "Betwixt-and-Between" (not quite human and not quite bird). Grasping the concept and deciding to be neither (or both, he can never make up his mind) he retains the ability to fly without faerie dust for the rest of his life. After a time he grew weary of the human world and decided to fly to a place that faeries spoke of, the place of dreams and imagination where a child would never age. Peter had learned of Neverland and no sooner had he wished to know of it's place then he had found it (this could perhaps be an opportunity for a fae to step in, having granted his wish).

Neverland was made from the fabric of children's imagination and his imagination seems to affect the island most, following his logic he is thereby rightful ruler. He was not perhaps the first child to arrive in Neverland (something of a contested thing with the Long Lost Boys, exiled to Nowhereland), but when he arrived it was clear that Neverland was his home and that he belonged to this place as much as it belonged to him. He became the heart of Neverland and his very moods seemed to change the weather, his wildest dreams changed the map.

He ruled for some time and began to collect Lost Boys, those boys who, much like he, did not want to grow up. He also collected Tinkerbell, his dearest and most favorite among the faeries, the only one he would consort with in Neverland. Eventually the Hook had infiltrated Neverland (and Peter refuses to go into detail as to why that is, perhaps this is something he and Hook can divulge later) and was immediately Peter's sworn enemy.

The only thing to ever bother Peter in all of his time in Neverland were the infrequent night terrors that would wake him, his chest constricted, sweat dripping from his brow. He dare not dwell on these terrors but they were all the same. Peter Pan, grown and alone.

He adventured and played all day with his Lost Boys and Tink until a sort of wanderlust came upon him. He could not describe it, but Neverland had become tiresome to him, a nagging sensation like that of wanting to grow up and explore the wider world. Of course, he denied it up and down, but it did not stop him from exploring his former stomping grounds in London. It is here that he came upon the Darling family and listened at the window to Mrs. Darling's delightful tales. He would always return to Neverland before morning, following the stars and his uncanny ability to find Neverland no matter how far he wandered.

One night his shadow slipped away into the Darling home and the rest is as Disney as you can get. Wendy Darling, the eldest child helped him and he convinced her and her erstwhile brothers to join him in an adventure to Neverland.

Fast forward several years. The Darling children have returned home. Peter is leaving Neverland again and listening at the window for the old tales of Mrs. Darling, except now Mrs. Darling is Wendy herself, all grown up with children of her own. Peter finds himself at odds, torn and confused, feeling forgotten and snubbed. He spends as much time away from Neverland as he dares until one day he finds that he cannot remember the way home. He does not realize that by staying away from Neverland so long that he essentially destroyed the only place he'd ever known as home, dooming it to cold and ice and eventual demise.

He tries to return home, but he cannot find Neverland. Stuck in the "real world" he begins to age rapidly away from the magic of Neverland which kept him ever young. It is as if all his years have been bottled up in Kensington Gardens and simply waiting for him to return. As it is he's arrested and spends a night in jail, assumed crazy by Wendy who found him crying by her bedroom window, as an adult and unrecognizable as Peter Pan. He tries to show Wendy the "kiss" they once shared, but she shivers at the poor man's apparent madness. The police release him the next day and poor Peter wanders London, cold and alone. The night terrors that plagued his eternal youth in Neverland had come to shocking fruition, he is now living his worst nightmare. Spooked, terrified, and unrecognizable to even himself, he begins to wander the world, entirely lost.

On one of his wanders trying to find the way home he finds Haven. The magic of Haven revived him and effectively stopped himself from aging anymore. But he's been wandering around so long that he's started to forget who is and where he belongs.

In this form he's still got his boy's intellect, but he has flashes of adulthood, horrible awful adulthood. In truth I think he'd need Tink, Hook, and his Lost Boys to recall his youth completely. Perhaps meeting with each will cause the reverse aging effect.

Anything else we should know:

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