Like an STD,I'm never gone forever!
OOOOOKAY! Forgive me for not updating sooner,my Scribbld pals! I was...trying to pass the 10th grade,and guess what! I PASSED! Victory Music!
(I'm gonna try to use music links,instead of music phrases,from now on!)
ME and my ex-girlfriend still talk,when we get to see each other! She's EXTREMELY kissy,though...Exactly what flashes through my mind,when she pounces on me,for a kiss...
I'm taking a break from the interwebs,for a week,so...I won't update much this week! Sorry,fangirls!
I got a new fricking phone! (finally) It's an orange/black slider,from Virgin Mobile! Forgot the naaame,but oh well! If you want my number,I shall tell it to you!
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