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c є ▪ ℓ ([info]mythomania) wrote,
@ 2011-05-26 01:00:00

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I have finally completed the entire collection of the library. But the more pressing matter, what to do now? The Department still gives me so little to do.

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2011-05-25 08:48 pm UTC (link)
They've just realized your true potential, that's all.

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2011-05-26 01:38 pm UTC (link)
Despite what you think, I enjoy that your treatment of me hasn't changed over the years, Moody.

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2011-05-26 03:27 pm UTC (link)
Aha, I see. That's a clever pun on my name!

Never heard that one before. Bravo.

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2011-05-29 04:17 pm UTC (link)
Well, then I'm happy to have provided you with a new joke. Merlin knows if you even know what the sound like anymore.

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