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wadcock ([info]wadcock) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2009-07-18 23:44:00

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Savannah! (whenever <3)
Seth rubbed his eye as he made his way to the door, wondering who in the bloody hell could be so adamant about having his attention right then and there. At one in the fucking morning. He managed to get out of bed without disturbing Savannah. This has happened before, one of his friends got smashed and decided that his house was the closest for crashing at, or they were there to try and convince him to come out and party. But it was a tuesday and he had practice in the morning.

"This had better be good, I'm too fucking tired to deal with drunks to---" Seth said as he opened the door only to be cut off by the sight in front of him. His brow furrowed at the fact that the crying girl standing in front of him was definitely not one of his drunk friends. In fact, he didn't even know who she was, although she did look slightly familiar. "Umm, can I help you?"

The girl let out a sob before she spoke. "I swore I wasn't going to do this. I mean I never wanted to burden you. I wanted to take care of her myself but I just can't. You have money and a wife to help you. And Leanne would just be so much better off with you."

She fiddled with a think envelope while Seth just stared at her like she had two heads. Of course he would get the bloody crazies on his doorstep. "What are you going on about?"

"Here." she shoved the envelope into his hands. "It explains everything. All the proof and everything you need to know is in there. Long story short, we hooked up at one of your after parties, back when you were still on United. Nine months later, I had little Leanne and---and I just can't take care of her anymore, she's better off with you."

By the time that Seth finally comprehended what she was saying, the girl was muttering 'I've got to go' and with a loud pop he was left standing there staring at a small bassinet that was behind where the girl was just standing. And then the crying started. A loud wailing crying that babies were known for.

Seth Wadcock at that exact moment in time was completely and utterly fucked. And not in a good way.

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2009-07-22 10:26 pm UTC (link)
Rolling over onto her side, Savannah tried to get comfortable. While she was usually a deep sleeper, she always seemed to stir whenever Seth would get up from bed. Maybe she knew when he wasn’t close by, subconsciously…but whatever the reasoning was, she always seemed to wake up whenever she would notice he was missing. Usually he got up to get a drink of water, or use the bathroom, so she never got up to investigate…but this time, something was different. When she rolled over and didn’t feel him there, her eyes fluttered open, and she looked over at the clock. With a sigh, she tried to go back to sleep…but couldn’t, since noise from the other room sparked up her curiosity.

Scooting to the edge of the bed, she placed her feet down on the floor and grabbed hold of her robe, pulling it around her to cover the short silk night-dress she had worn to bed. Opening up their bedroom door, she squinted her eyes as she tried to adjust to the light, and stretched her arms above her head as she watched him from a distance. All she heard was the sound of a woman’s voice, but she couldn’t make out what she was saying.

Dropping her arms down, she slipped her hands into the pockets of her robe. “Seth, what’s-…”

She was about to ask what was going on…but that was when she heard the sound of a baby crying. Stunned, Savannah just stared at her husband’s profile for what seemed like forever before she moved over to the door, standing beside him, staring down at the bassinet. “Wh-…what is-…who’s is-…” She swallowed roughly, looking up at Seth, hoping he had some sort of explanation that would make this not be what she had a feeling it was.

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2009-07-23 12:30 am UTC (link)
Seth pushed the heels of his hands into eyes hoping that maybe if he pressed hard enough that it would all disappear. Nope. Baby still there crying, only now Savannah was standing next to him.

"I--I don't know!" Because he didn't. He didn't know who that was or anything. He picked up the envelope, that he at some point dropped and tore it open frantically. "Some crazy bint was just here, just dropped the kid, gave me this envelope and left. She said it was mine. Which is bloody---"

He scanned the parchment in front of him. Oh. He remembered that night, or rather remembered being told about that night. He was pretty sloshed, United had just made it to the play-offs, or was it when the won a the play off game. Well it really didn't matter now. Seth felt like pulling his hair out. In fact he was trying to do just that. What the fuck was he going to do with a kid? "Fuck, I don't know. Either way we can't leave it just sitting out on the stoop."

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2009-07-23 02:48 am UTC (link)
Savannah tried her best not to cringe when he said the thing she had been most afraid of. Her heart was now pounding in her chest, and she was silently wishing that this ‘crazy bint’ was wrong, and that this kid wasn’t Seth’s…but all hope was lost when she caught sight of the envelope he was holding. The fact that he cut himself off gave her the answer she needed…although it was far from the answer she wanted.

Looking over to the child, she bit at her lower lip, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Was this really happening? Was this actually happening? Why couldn’t things ever go right, for a change? Everything was going so smoothly, and things were just wonderful between her and Seth, even with those articles being written about Odette, and now there was a baby?

She felt like she was going to pass out…but thankfully, she was able to regain her composure for a moment, and nodded her head. “…no…we can’t…” She was speaking quietly, since it was hard for her to speak at all right now. Stepping forward, Savannah picked the baby up from its place in the bassinet, and held it to her chest so she was able to pat it on the back. “Shhh…shhh…” She tried to calm the child down, walking past Seth into their home. “…grab that.” She didn’t even ask, but demanded it of him, since she didn’t have an extra arm to carry the bassinet inside. She had a nephew, and she knew that sometimes all a baby needed was to be held, and comforted…especially when they had absolutely no idea what was going on. There was a big problem when the adults in this situation didn’t know what was going on either.

Once the baby and the bassinet were inside, Savannah continued to rub the baby’s back, letting it rest her head against her shoulder. It was still crying. Savannah looked over to Seth, not knowing what she should be feeling. Was she angry? Yes. Upset? Of course. But she was also annoyed, and overwhelmed, and…ugh, so many other things at once. She stared at her husband, and wet her lips before turning her gaze down to the parchment again. “…so what does it say…?”

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2009-07-23 11:36 pm UTC (link)
Seth grabbed the bassinet and kicked the door closed behind him. He flipped through the papers. Well at least that girl made sure he was well informed. "Uhh well the letter says we hooked up at some United party in 78. Ohh There was that one party, huge, right after the preseason ended. Don't remember much of that night, except for the drinking." Seth rubbed his forehead as he went through the other papers. Everything was lining up too well.

"And this is her birth certificate... Leanne Rachel. My last name of course. Apparently she was sure that she was mine. May 14th '79." And then Seth came across a paper from Mungo's that stated that Leanne was in fact his and if he wanted to argue that statement he was more than welcome to come in and they'd run more tests. Lovely.

"Sav, everything here says she's my kid. I mean, shit, if she is I have to take responsibility for her." Seth looked up at his wife, who was holding his kid, which wasn't hers. How fucked up was that. "Sav, baby, all this, it all happened before I even met you."

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