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discounthats ([info]discounthats) wrote,
@ 2012-11-13 10:04:00

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The Italian Pu pulls to give to aim at Chinese people
 According to Italian Europe allied correspondent report, along with the keeping on of Italian economic situation depravation, the social crime rate is high, the crime aiming at Chinese people tends to increase, and the crime means is cruel.Pull to give in the Italian most intensive city for Chinese people Pu, the Chinese people's reside, factory is stolen, the Chinese people are along the street the crime robbing to wait series ill nature to repeatedly deliver.Getting worse and worse social public order situation has already seriously obstructed Pu to pull the normal life of giving the Chinese people society.

  On October 17, about at San Diego Padres snapback cheap around 21:15 p.m., a 39-year-old Chinese people the woman and 5-year-old son once had supper to go home at friends and relatives house, when mother and child 2 people walk to more strange of firm inside Ni avenue, suddenly rush out two young robbers.The robber allows of no a cent to say and raises a hand to use a bluntness machine shot to beat Chinese people's woman head.Haven't waited 2 people to do to serve as what reaction, two robbers quickly rend away the Ku pack that Chinese people's woman along with take and escape.

  Receive and report to the police and arrive to the police whom the case discovers a field, looking at Chinese people's women with blood stains all over the face, the Song shrug means helpless, and notify to give first-aid a personnel to send to the hospital Chinese people's woman to cure.According to the police's case data, the cellular phone, certificate of the Chinese people's sons and daughters and the EUR 900 cash along with taking robs to walk and robs process to probably keep on in less than a minute.

  On the afternoon of October 18, a Chinese people woman pulls to give a saint mark square to wait for to date with friend in the Pu, proper when she raises to begin machine to make a phone call three very much resembling Morocco immigrate of the man slowly close to.Two man the moment start an attack to the Chinese people's woman head, belly, a man loots the hand of Chinese people's woman to wrap.The person of the spot surroundings was a lot of when case delivered, people hadn't wholesale sunglasses made to understand pure actually took place what matter, the robber of successful no longer knew where wented.Chinese people's woman in addition to robbing to walk EUR 1200 cash and certificate, some negotiable securities also rob to walk at the same time.

  On the morning of October 19 about 9:30, three Chinese people's robbers arrive at a wealthy Chinese people's residence of being located in the Ma Lei Qi Ni.The residential host were working in the outside at that time, the in home only had babysitter with much more 1 year old of boy.Three robbers easily cheated to open door, Duo door but go into, quick fight down babysitter.Combine to bind babysitter and boy together, then start turning over to seek worthy jewelry wealth and properties and cash.see more:http://cheapnfljerseys.naughtycollegegirlsnaked.com/in-the-future-go-to-stock-speed-or-slow-down.html


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