Who: Mina and Tim
When: Now.
What: Baby making
Rating: Fergalicious
Adamina had been sitting on the bed when she confessed to the world that she wanted to have a baby. Perhaps that wasn't the worlds greatest idea, but truth was, she really wanted one and had since she was old enough to even
know what a baby was. She knew there would be consequences, be it within her own family, friends or hell, even Tim. For some reason, when it came to wanting a kid, Tim was actually the last person she thought about. Considerate, no? It wasn't intentional. She wanted one, and she wanted it soon. And now that they were married, that dream could come true! She could finally get off the contraceptives and give birth the a gorgeous child belonging to her and the only man in the world that could tolerate her long enough to marry her.
After she had told him she was ready and he suggested starting right away, Mina really couldn't help but laugh. She figured he'd be home at anytime within the next few seconds and did her best to freshen up for him. No, nothing kinky and nothing sexy, just...Mina, there, in her natural state waiting for her husband to come home and assist her in the making of a kid.
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