I hate hate hate needles.

I had a really bad experience a few years back when I had to get a shot into my cervix. Since then I really can't deal with needles in any way. Just thinking about it makes my skin crawl. I actually am starting to overcome it though and I gave blood for the first time last Wednesday!

The needle was ENORMOUS.
I passed out after lol AHH.
Crowded areas and wide open spaces

I hate being in malls or a walmart or out where there are large crowds. I feel like I have no control. I avoid these places and refuse to go alone. I just don't feel safe. Parking lots scare the shit out of me. I feel so much safer in small places where I can see everything. The smaller the space, the better. Even in large houses I feel uneasy. It used to be so bad that I wouldn't leave my house for days or weeks. I couldn't even imagine being in a crowd without having a panic attack. I've never been assaulted or anything like that so I don't know where this fear comes from. Maybe I'm just an old hermit at heart lol.
That's about it...
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