![[User Picture]](https://www.scribbld.com/userpic/86958/15803) | From: aprill 2009-02-03 06:52 am (UTC)
i am also bored but i didnt feel like doing all of them... | (Link)
1. Can you cook? I can cook box mac and cheese. That's pretty much it.
5. Favorite vegetable? Carrots and cooked broccoli.
9. Worst Habit? Not speaking up when something is bothering me.
4. What is/was your dream? My dream is to live in a little bitty town with like 4 kids and lots of cats in the barn and I'll be a teacher in some little school with like 70 kids per graduating class :) I used to want to be married to a farmer..
5. Worst thing to ever happen to you? My 26-year old cousin died. It was a terrible tradegy that could have been avoided. Make sure there's smoke detectors in your apartment.
7. Tell me one weird fact about you: I really like my feet
16. How do you fall asleep? Listening to music and laying on my left side. I usually like to sleep on my right side facing the wall but my new piercing hurts if I do :(
20. 3.5 million bucks (because a regular million is boring~) what would you do with it? Pay off my college shit. Give lots to my mom to pay her back for all of the money that she has ever given to me. and buy a car.
24. In one word, how would you describe me? Be honest! Interesting. Not bad interesting though.
25. Will you repost this so I can fill it out? Honestly, probably not.
That was all about me. Wow. I'm kind of an ass hole haha oh well :)
1. Can you cook? ~ Absolutely not.
2. What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator? ~ Nap.
3. What talent do you wish you had? ~ I wish I could draw.
4. Favorite place? Why? ~ Home, because my family is there.
5. Favorite vegetable? ~ Corn & potatoes.
6. What was the last book you read? Was it good? ~ Darkest Evening of the Year or something like that, it was really good.
7. Are you Dirty or Clean? Sex-Addicted or Mega-Virgin? Perverted or Not? ~ Clean/I like sex/Non-mega-virgin/I can be a pervert sometimes. ;)
8. Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? ~ 10 tattoos, six piercings.
9. Worst Habit? ~ Lack of motivation.
1. How did we meet? ~ On here!
2. What's your philosophy on life? ~ Not to dwell on the past or think about the future too much because before you know it the present is over & done with.
3. Negative or Optimistic? ~ I can be both.
4. What is/was your dream? ~ I have a bunch.
5. Worst thing to ever happen to you? ~ I dunno, there's always worse things that COULD happen.
6. What was your first impression of me? ~ Sweet music taste!
7. Tell me one weird fact about you: ~ I have a phobia of creams & lotions. Everybody in the entire world thinks that's weird.
8. What's your favorite memory of us? ~ We don't really have any. :[
10. Have you ever kept anything from me? ~ My life story? Lol.
11. What do you think of me as a person? ~ You seem rather cool in my book.
12. Do you think I'm sane or insane? Good or Bad? ~ Nobody is completely sane. :)
13. Would you cry for me? ~ Maybe if I knew you more...
14. Would you be my crime partner or my conscience? ~ Crime partner for sure.
15. If you could change anything about me, would you? What would it be? ~ I don't know enough, so I guess I wouldn't change anything!
16. How do you fall asleep? ~ In my bed.. with my teddy bear.
17. Ever gotten angry with me? ~ Nope.
18. Would you go on a blind date if I set you up? ~ I'd get in trouble, lol.
19. If you had one week to live, what would you do? ~ Travel & spend it with my family.
20. 3.5 million bucks (because a regular million is boring~) what would you do with it? ~ Pay a lot of shit off, buy a house, travel, get my sleeve done by Chris Garver & pay off a bunch of shit for my parents!!
21. What is your worst fear? ~ Losing people I care about.
22. Favorite thing to do in your spare time? ~ Nap, TV, computer.
23. Can you sing or dance? Play an instrument? ~ No sing, no dance....Guitar.
24. In one word, how would you describe me? Be honest! ~ Hardcore.
25. Will you repost this so I can fill it out? ~ Possibly.