Collecting the Suporting Cast
Mojo was excited. Very excited. Almost to the point of sin. Well, maybe past the point, but then again, Mojo was beyond any such limits. His plan bordered the realms of genius and insanity, as his plans so often did. He had watched with intial dismay as the mutant population had been reduced to a fraction of its former size. Naturally he was concerned about how this would affect his, the survival of a species..and..screw it, he only cared about his ratings. However, some interesting events have occured as a result. One of which had been the assault of Norman Osborn, who was nutty enough to have his own soap spinoff, upon the newly formed mutant nation, Utopia. It had pitted the Avengers against the X-Men in a life or death struggle.
Well..not the real Avengers, which was something of a letdown. However, the episode had given Mojo an idea of epic proportions. One that would fulfill all his dreams, albeit insane, but dreams nonetheless. However, every journey must begin with a single step, and thus why Mojo had summoned his chief servant, his go-to gal, as looney a woman as he ever made crazy, Spiral.
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