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no_relation ([info]no_relation) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-02-24 19:10:00

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Entry tags:guardian, independents

On Patrol (open to street types)
He knew he should be laying low, both Marcia and Maggie were worried about him, and the former was letting him stay with her for now. It wasn't like he took up that much space. He'd managed to figure out how to get that thing where his costume disappears and reappears into making different clothes, so he was pretty much set. He also seemed to stay pretty clean without trying. He'd tried not to be eating too much also.

But right now, he had to get out. There was crime afoot, no doubt! He also really needed more practice with those cord things he shot out of his hands. Great way to get around town, combined with sticking to stuff and bouncing off it.

He heard shots being fired, and hustled down the street and around a corner.

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