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Thomas Kyle ([info]cantkeepmeout) wrote,
@ 2012-03-03 17:02:00

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Entry tags:meme

20 Questions

1. When were you born? Where?
Gotham City, almost 19 years ago. You do the math.

2. What were some of the first words and phrases you spoke?
I used to apparently call Dick "silly" a lot when I first learned to speak.

3. At what age did you first attend school? What school did you go to? Did you like it?
6, Gotham Elementary Academy. It was fine for a private school, I prefered the public schools I went to later on.

4. Name one of your fondest childhood memories.
I had a ring of lock picks Mom gave me and I'd go around the Manor opening everything I could. She'd hide stuff around the house for me to break into and find. Our version of a treasure hunt.

5. Now name one of your worst.
Got shot twice in a mission during my really early years as Robin, before I even got to solo patrols. Young enough that I'll count that as a childhood thing.

6. Name one of your most embarrassing.
Robin initiations, nuff said.

7. Which parent/adult were you closest to as a small child?

8. What about as a teenager?
See above answer, that didn't change.

9. Did you ever try drinking, drugs, or both? What all have you tried? Were you ever caught?
Drinking yes, recreational drugs no. And never caught but I think they'd be more disappointed in me for getting caught than the drinking part.

10. Did you ever skip school? How frequently?
I fight crime in Gotham. Which occurs at all times, not just at night. That should give you your answer.

11. Who was your best friend when you were really small?
Really small? How small is that? Because if we're talking toddler I'd have to go with Isis, she was more fun than other kids. But if you mean elementary then it'd be Mark Hadden. We were soccer buddies.

12. Who was your best friend when you were a teenager? 
Isis is still up there but in civilian ID only it'd still be Mark, overall including the Robin thing I'd say most of the Teen Titans too.  

13. Did you sleep with stuffed animals? At what age did you stop – if you ever did?
Not really, I had a cat who'd curl up with me. I also had a Batman plushie Babs made me on a shelf, never had it on the bed, and a tiger one but that was only brought places and on the bed if Isis wasn't around. 

14. Did you ever have braces or glasses growing up?

15. Did you ever break your arm or leg and need crutches – or anything similar to that? 
Similar to answer 10. I fight crime in Gotham. I have no enhanced durability or superpowers at all. Connect the dots.

16. Did you ever have any strange habits that you outgrew but were teased for?
No strange habits that most people would notice.

17. How well did you get along with your parents and siblings?
Very well with all of them. We're pretty close knit mash-up of a family. And yes, siblings doesn't mean blood related in this context, because I have quite a few of them.

18. If you could go back and change one thing about the past, would you? What would you change?
 I'm not sure anything that I'd even consider changing would be in my power to change. I don't like regretting things, it wastes time and there's no guarantee that things will end up better if you did change them. Because while I wish some things had ended up better and I could save people, I can't berate myself about it because it doesn't help.

19. What were some of your favorite pranks to pull when you were younger? Did you have any favorite jokes? What made you laugh the most back then?
My sense of humour hasn't changed all that much, I'm just more devious. I can't reveal any pranks because new universe means I'm free to use them again and nobody will see them coming.

20. Did you have any pets? If not, why? If you did, what were they?
Yes, Isis was my russian blue cat. She'd jump onto my shoulders and we'd go on adventures. Everyone assumes Mom gave her to me, but she was actually a present from Dad for my first christmas. He just likes to maintain a reputation and lets people think he didn't.

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