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J'anna J'onzz ([info]burningmartian) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-03-25 20:56:00

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Entry tags:inactive - j'anna j'onnz, npc - tim drake

When there's nothing left to burn.... (Tim)
She scared a fire investigator.  The man was sifting through the remains of what had been Tim's building when J'anna all of a sudden rose out of the ashes all green and Martian with her bright red eyes and wisps of flames dancing up from her body.  She was as confused as he was scared and it took her a moment before she managed to go invisible and slip out of the decimated structure without delay or questions from the investigator.  J'anna had questions of her own, though, what the hell happened being chief among them.  Several blocks from what had once been her home J'anna slipped into her visible human form as she tried to sort things out.  She remembered date night with Tim, all curled up on the couch.  She remembered the sudden appearance of Giselle.  She remembered...her heart being torn out.  Being dead.  She remembered that feeling, that moment where the color disappeared from before her eyes and J'anna remembered her vision being replaced and everything going colder.  It was then her memories began to change, almost like she was outside herself and inside her mind all at the same time.  Tim had destroyed the building to save himself and she?  She'd burned int he flames only to leave things behind and go straight for her father and Jenn.

As she walked along J'anna was acutely aware of everything she'd said to her father and her friend and with each step she was more and more horrified.  How could she have said those things?  Those weren't things one spewed at their father, but she'd said them.  And, worse, had meant them.  Tim thought she was dead.  She'd said horrible things to her father and friend.  She again had no home and no place to belong.  Well, that wasn't exactly true.  There was one place she knew she could go.  Tim had shown her the place once, his backup base in the Triangle.  it was a safe place that she could go so that is exactly where she went.  When she arrived she realized that she wasn't the only person hiding out there.  There were a couple of barely-eaten bowls of ramen on the work table and the small bed in the corner looked like it had barely been slept in.


J'anna couldn't help herself.  She went directly to the bed and curled up on it, holding the pillow to her chest hoping it might smell like Tim.  She was so bewildered, embarrassed and scared,.  She was desperate for comfort wherever she could find it.

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2011-03-26 04:36 am UTC (link)
An entire night of searching and no sign of her. The moment he saw Mia and Jai, a wild hope went off light a light bulb in Tim's head. If /they/ were alive again, then...maybe J'anna was, too. And Stephanie.

Red Robin had staked out the apartment building for two hours, looking out for any sign of J'anna. Unbeknownst to him, he'd missed her by mere minutes. Moreover, he'd gone in the opposite direction of her path when he left. He checked all of her favorite places and couldn't find her when the sun came up.

By the time he arrives at his base, Tim Drake is a lonely, defeated man. He can't believe she's really gone. His concentration and nerves are so frayed that he doesn't immediately pick up on the fact that something is amiss inside his HQ.

Eventually, though, he sorts out the issue. The smell of fire and smoke. He curses, thinking he left hot plate on in his haste to escape Giselle and Stephanie. Pulling his mask down, Tim looks at the half-eaten Ramen, the mess his workspace is and the overall emptiness of his surroundings.

The whole place reminds him too much of his life as it is, so Tim Drake sits down, leaning against a wall closes his eyes.

"I wish you were here, J'anna." he whispers, not bothering to consider lying down in his bed.

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2011-03-26 05:07 am UTC (link)

At the sound of his voice she got up and went to him.


Bursting into tears, she threw her arms around him.

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2011-03-26 05:39 am UTC (link)
The first time he heard his name, he thought he might be losing his mind.

The second time he hears it, he is /certain/ he's lost his mind. Was she really here?

"J'anna?" he asks, looking up to find here there. Her arms go around him and the last few days of misery vanish like the remnants of a nightmare.

"This is happening, right?" he asks, holding her close.

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2011-03-26 10:32 am UTC (link)
J'anna never thought she'd be holding Tim again and she doesn't let go. She kisses his throat where her face is pressed and sighs.

"This is real. You smell like patrol and long nights. I love that smell. I love everything about you. You're okay. The monsters didn't get you. I'm so sorry I failed to protect you."

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2011-03-26 01:11 pm UTC (link)
"Hey, stop it. Stop it /right now/. /I/ should have protected /you/, J'anna." Tim says, holding her in what would otherwise be a bone-crushing embrace. He wasn't letting her go if he could manage it at all.

"I really thought I'd never see you again. I...I was prepared to do it, but imagining you gone just wasn't...I couldn't...God, I'm just glad you're here." Tim says.

There is a long pause.

"Um...I have to buy you new pots and pans. The apartment blew up with all our stuff in it. I'm just glad you weren't one of those /things/, J'anna. I'm not sure how I would have taken it if you had been.

And I nearly had to tie Lian down to keep her away from the fight, but she stayed away." he says.

"And Cerdian is back, too." he tells her.

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2011-03-26 02:31 pm UTC (link)
"We take care of each other and we'll do a better job from now on. For what it's worth, being dead wasn't bad. It was being separated from you that was painful." She held tightly to him, laughing a little as he spoke of the pans.

"We'll just start over. Everything new."

She sighed.

"Tim, I said terrible things to my dad."

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2011-03-26 06:18 pm UTC (link)
"Hey, don't even worry about that. Your dad knows it wasn't you, so there's nothing to feel bad about. When are you going to see him?

Do you want me to come along?" Tim asks.

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2011-03-27 12:18 am UTC (link)
"Tim I don't know that he'll want to see me. I called him out for not wanting me, for wishing that I was the daughter he lost. For pawning me off on everyone else. For caring more about my friend Jenn than me. I was vicious. And...I meant it, Tim. I meant every word."

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2011-03-27 03:53 am UTC (link)
Tim pauses for a moment, deliberating on what to say to J'anna, before he goes with his foremost idea.

"Then you need to talk to him. You two need to clear the air and understand that there are issues between you. He's your dad and you love him, right?

Nothing should get in the way of that." Tim says.

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2011-03-28 01:13 am UTC (link)
"I'm afraid, Tim." J'anna curled herself until she was practically in his lap. "I'm scared and I don't want to go alone. I hate that I was mean but I hate that I'm glad I got things off my chest more."

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2011-03-28 01:17 am UTC (link)
"You're not going alone. I'll go with you. Or, better yet...why don't we take your dad out to dinner? You two could talk and I'll do the whole moral support thing." Tim suggests.

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2011-03-28 01:34 am UTC (link)
"I don't suppose you'd let me get away with not revealing my Lazarus act for awhile longer, would you?"

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2011-03-28 02:01 am UTC (link)
"Sadly, no. It's not fair to everyone else to let them think you're gone a moment longer than they need to. I was a mess when I got here, J'anna. I didn't think I would ever see you again." Tim says.

"I wouldn't put anyone else through that." he says.

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2011-03-28 02:07 am UTC (link)
"But you love me. And I didn't come after you like I did him."

J'anna sighs.

"Fine. We can call him. You should call him. I wouldn't know what to say just yet."

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2011-03-28 02:49 am UTC (link)
"I'll call him and you'll get some sleep. Oh, I have Ramen and Hot Pockets if you're hungry." Tim smiles.

She's going to kill him.

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2011-03-28 10:03 am UTC (link)
J'anna pulled back from him and looked at his face, a horrified look on hers.

"Were you suicidal when you bought those things? Timothy! Those things are nothing but chemicals! They'll kill you! Oh no. Oh hell no. Tomorrow morning first thing as the store is open, we're shopping."

Getting up, she made gagging faces at the thought of ramen before going over to the bed and pulling down the blankets. At least those were decent, unlike Tim's food choices.

"Will you come lie down with me once you've called him?"

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2011-03-29 12:02 am UTC (link)
"How about I call him when we wake up? We can say we were just too exhausted from all the excitement to call sooner." Tim suggests.

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2011-03-29 12:12 am UTC (link)
"That sounds like code. I like it."

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2011-03-29 01:17 am UTC (link)
"You are totally getting the hang of Earth lingo, Martian Girl. I find that very sexy." Tim says.

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2011-03-29 01:22 am UTC (link)
"You do recall that I grew up in the United States, right? Specifically between Star City and St. Roch. I'm an earthling. Sort of." J'anna pulls him close to her and undoes his cape. "You want me to be green tonight? I can be the alien and you can take me to your leader..."

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2011-03-29 01:27 am UTC (link)
"Ah, yes. The leader is very interested to meet you, J'anna J'onnz. He told me to let you know that.

In fact, I have a message from him to you." Tim says.

And then he kisses her.

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2011-03-29 01:32 am UTC (link)
J'anna kisses Tim back passionately, pressing herself to him as though she's afraid to let him go. And she is, a little.

"Oh yes. To your leader. Now."

She'll pull him to the bed, fully expecting not to sleep.

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2011-04-01 03:56 am UTC (link)

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