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Jane Doe-Smith ([info]jdoesmith) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-03-25 09:58:00

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Entry tags:inactive - jane doe-smith

Picking up where we left off (Post-BN)
Jane was just going to put up her guns. She went so much as to lock the ones she normally kept on her up. She didn't trust herself right now. Not with the amount of booze she had right after she had 'come back'. She had enough beer to sink a ship.

She hadn't covered her tracks at all when she used her cards to come back from Star City either. She had left messages with Mia and her boyfriend to let them know she was alive again. But after she had gotten back to Gotham she had gone on autopilot. Her brain just felt pretty numb after everything.

Especially all that beer. She wondered if it counted as borderline alcoholism if one drank to get over coming back from the dead and trying to cope with what she said while she was dead. She didn't quite believe that it wasn't her on some level that said those things. Of course it wasn't as if she could just go contact a shrink.

She was fairly certain that nothing could just 'fix' what went wrong with what had happened. Which was why she was going to go over messages while still hung over; the best cure for whatever this feeling was had to be violence or something that involved tracking someone or something down. Anything to keep her mind occupied.

Sadly though her answering service hadn't picked up anything new. And her usual work e-mail was somewhat clogged with the usual spam e-mails. Her mouth did twitch in amusement though. Seriously, she was a woman why would she need male enhancement hormones? Ah internet never stop making Jane smile when she is hung over.

She logged off and rubbed her forehead. Yeah she was going to be no good for pretty much anything. Time to go back to bed and then come up with a plan of action latter.

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