What: Having a non-Weasley lunch
Where: Twinville
When: Lunchtime, Sunday 15th Jan
Rating: Adult probably, for their bad mouths.
Status: Complete
Fred was still incredibly pissed off with most of his family, especially Ron and Bill. Though his parents hadn't exactly been brilliant about the whole thing. It seemed like everyone assumed George had lost his senses. They still believed all Slytherins were evil. He admitted, he had thought the same while at school, but he'd met one or two that were okay. Verity was a Slytherin, she was alright. Flint was fairly decent too, not that he'd spoken much to him. But he made Gred happy and that was all that mattered in Forge's book. Which was why he was cooking lunch for himself and George rather than getting ready to apparate back to the Burrow for their weekly family meal.
He was so angry, he couldn't think straight enough to actually cook anything proper. But he was hungry and he knew his Twin was too. He could always tell when there was something up with his Gred. Hell, there was a lot up with him at the moment. Not that Forge could blame him. But his Twin was definitely hungry. Slicing some cheese, he pulled out the grill pan from the oven and added it to the already toasted bread. Cheese on toast would be fine, especially six slices each, with soup - it was tomato, but technically that was fruit, not vegetable. Plus, there was Jelly and Cake for dessert.
'Gred! Lunch!' He called, setting the table and dishing up.
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