RP Meme
Where and when did you start rping?Wow. A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. Not really, though. I think I was about fourteen and it was a Mighty Ducks (the movie series) rp.
Do you prefer first-person comment spam or prose logging?Prose. I started with first-person but now...it kinda bugs me.
What was the first character you ever played?Linda Chavez, from the third Mighty Ducks movie.
Who's your favourite character to play now, and why?Damn. I have a lot of fun characters that I love to play. Maxine Hunkel is a lot of fun, because I see a lot of myself in her, we both love musicals, can be antisocial and closed off at times and we
don't know when or how to shut up. Iris West is also a lot of fun to play because she's just so goddamn hyperactive. I could go on and on about each and everyone of my characters, and say what I love the most about them. So really, I don't think I have a set "favorite".
What's the longest you've ever consistently played one character?I've played Mia Dearden for over a year now, at various rps. She's quickly become one of my favorite characters in comics and I love playing her.
What's your biggest rp pet peeve?People dropping threads mid-scene when people are waiting for pings is up there, but I know I've done it a couple of times, so I'm not going to harp. But mostly, I really don't like it when people create Mary Sue characters, know that that character is a super Sue and do
nothing to develop the character. Yes, a tragic backstory is all fun and well but, come on, not every character can be an orphan and a rape victim and have witnessed the murder of their boyfriend/soul mate and love everyone on the face of the planet. If that were me, I'd need some
serious therapy. I also don't like rps that were created solely for the purpose of characters hooking up with each other and getting laid. I mean, pairings are all good fun and everything but....can we have something
other than sex happen in a game? Like....someone lands in prison in Mexico and someone bails them out?
Do you read rp secrets and the anon meme?Only if I'm linked.
If you've played in public before, do you prefer community or journal based games?Community. I've given up on rps where you're supposed to have the character write in their "diary" twice a week or something. Too much effort for me. I'd rather just play.
Would you rather play with someone who's very very ic but a mediocre writer or someone who isn't always ic (but not terrible) and a great writer.A character can't always be a hundred-percent IC all the time. So not always IC and a great writer works for me.
Do you have an "rp partner"?I have a whole group of people that I'm on several rps with, but I'll rp with pretty much everyone.
Do you ever stalk any casts, games, or players?I think it can be said that I am now officially stalking the Nation Cast....but seriously, not really.
In your opinion, which part of an app is the most difficult/annoying?I
loathe writing up histories. Mostly for cannon characters. Especially when it has to be a certain length and the character's really obscure. UGH. Original characters tend to be easier for me because I can make it up as I go along.
Are you one of those people who has to customize their character's journal layout and userinfo?I've given up on pretty layouts. As I tend to stay away from rps that require the updating of a journal. I like to have a "profile" of the character in the userinfo though. At least for OCs.
What was your first game?Mickey's Diner, a Mighty Ducks (movies) rp over on LJ. I've since then done Harry Potter (a TON), X-Men (movie verse until recently), an Inuyasha game, a Greys' Anatomy one, and a couple of original high-school based rps, on both LJ and Proboards. I took a break for a while before stumbling over JLA Watchtower over on LJ summer of 2008. I'm still active there, as well as DC Nation, DC Nextgen, Marvel Nextgen, and most recently, Marvel Mansion.
Are there any canons you avoid tagging characters from?I try and stray away from anime and Harry Potter characters. Kinda hard to in a place like dear_mun or something among those lines.
Most memorable scene in any thread?I could give you a few that I'm fond of, but nothing really comes straight to mind of being the "most" memorable.
Do you rp sex?Yes, but only in private journals and only with someone I'm
really comfortable playing with.
Do you play more males than females?Females. I'm picky when it comes to playing males.
The females- Mia Dearden, Donna Troy, Raven, Stephanie Brown, Courtney Whitmore, Helena Bertinelli, Mary Bromfield, Maxine Hunkel, Lilith Clay, Beatriz DeCosta, Cassandra Cain, Iris West, Molly Hayes, Lyta Braddock-Worthington, Danielle Cage, Valeria Richards.
The males- Conner Kent, Terry McGinnis, Charlie Rogers.
Note-This is only
current characters. The list of all the characters I've ever played is waaaaay too long and will bore people to tears.
What won't you rp?I try to be open to most situations. Extreme violence and gore makes me want to throw up a little, though.
Dressing rooms?Once or twice
Ever rped a pairing?Who hasn't?
Favorite place to play: musebox, open posts, public games, private games?Public games.
Talking rp with someone else who plays your character: fun or awkward?It's fun seeing different takes on my characters. And since I normally stick to characters of the minor quality? Really interesting.