07 September 2010 @ 03:10 am
Biography: Ginevra Isadore Graves  
Ginevra Isadore Graves

The first born
The dutiful
The interim King

Her familiar, Esmeralda

Name: Ginevra Isadore Graves
Age: 67
Gender/Preference: Female. Unknown.
Title: The King (interim)
Student/Scholar/Graduate: Graduate.
Residence: The King's Palace.
Familiar: A snowy white mink named Esmeralda. Ginevra often calls her Esme for short. Esme can read and write as well as any mage and is not ashamed to wear her glasses to do so (Ginevra made them herself especially for Esme).
Magical abilities: Iron, Water. Fortuna. Verdad ocultada. Spells. Empath (she can feel what others are feeling, though she has enough control that she can block it out when she chooses; this is a secret only known by the immediate family and close friends).
Appearance: She's very good looking for her age and she takes great care that it will stay so. She wears her dark hair loose when she is not dealing with kingly duties. She pulls it back when she means business.

Personality: Strong, opinionated, level-headed. Fun, funny, sweet. Bossy, though dutiful. She will do what her parents tell her to do, but she turns around and bosses her younger siblings. Diplomatic where necessary.
Strengths: She is level in most situations when others would blow a fuse.
Weaknesses: She can be a bit vain at times.
Quirks: She hums to herself a lot.
Secrets: She is protecting the whereabouts of her brother Emeric. She is protecting someone with her verdad ocultada ability, but it is a mystery who that is.

Biography: First born to Camden and Katrana Graves. She grew up at the Palace. She is very accustomed to palace life and all that it affords her. Being the first born she was lavished upon with affection and attention. She has a particularly close bond with her father, though she is also quite close with her mother.

She went to school at Salem Academy for the full twenty years, studying fortuna magic to the fullest extent. She also studied her birth elements and took an interest in spell magic during her Upper School years.

She graduated school and lived on her own for a time, traveling where she could as an ambassador of the palace. She learned a good deal in those years, particularly how it is difficult to please everyone in the kingdom. She was at first surprised to find people that disagreed with her parents' decisions as rulers, but she quickly learned that many people are capable of many opinions and more than one can be right. She developed a sense of diplomacy and learned how to negotiate, delegate, and compromise.

She was involved in a romantic relationship with Séreméla Arnatuilë, an elf who was over 300 years her senior, but Sera flaked out on her after the death of her son Maeglin.

Upon the disappearance of her parents Ginevra stepped in to become the interim King. She likes the job so far and though she would like to keep it she would far rather have her parent's back. She intends to step down from the kingship on October 1st.

Gin has been suffering from pretty serious depression because of her empathic abilities, which Enki has been trying to teach her to control.