
cabotine | |
Characters: Rowan and Quinn Setting: Transitional Dormitory, Tuesday after classes Rating: SFW most likely Summary: Rowan left something at Quinn's house and is attempting to find out what happened to it. Making her way to the Transitional Dorm, Rowan chewed on her lower lip absently. It had been a little strange staying away from home all summer long, first at Michi's and then at Quinn's house, and she still didn't really feel like she had a full break this year. Sure there were fun times, and relaxing times, and happy times, but not being in her own house for it, and with everything with her mother, she was in a very weird place, brain wise. She had been for a very long time now. It was probably for that reason that she lost her journal. She remembered writing in it one night while staying at Quinn's, but when she got back to school and unpacked, it wasn't where it was supposed to be. Entering the dorm, she looked around the common room, feeling a little out of place and like she was invading someone else's territory. Scanning the crowd, she tried to see if Quinn was around down there. That would make this much easier. Tags: !incomplete, quinn van rensselaer, rowan cabot




From: cabotine |
Date: September 1st, 2011 10:46 pm (UTC) |
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Since Rowan was feeling a little off balance recently, sitting around shooting the breeze was not something that she had in mind. Not that she disliked Quinn, far from it. The girl was a little... spiky, but she was quick-witted and intelligent. Not in the book way always, but with everything else.
"I think I left a book at your house. It was regular note book sized, brown fake leather with a brown kind of tie around it. Uneven, off-white pages. Have you seen it around by any chance?"
She didn't want to let on that it was a private diary, or anything other than just a cool notebook that she had accidentally left behind. Not that she didn't trust Quinn, but... well, she didn't really trust anyone with her diaries. They were too personal, obviously, and too much went into them for her to feel safe with them just laying around. If she hadn't been so distracted by things with her mother, Rowan figured she would never have left it anywhere.


From: cabotine |
Date: September 4th, 2011 08:30 pm (UTC) |
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House elves were something really strange to Rowan. She had never known anyone with them really before, so it was odd to think that there were little creatures running around, doing all the cleaning and mending and cooking sometimes. It was something that she tried not to dwell on too hard, because she always ended up feeling very sorry for them and their position in the grander scheme of things.
"Oh, that's... thank you." Rowan smiled at the older girl and when she moved to head upstairs, Rowan followed her. It gave her her first real look at the Transitional dormitory. Spacious and roomy, with a kind of comfortable sense to it. No house colors or anything, since students of all houses lived here, and it was more... mature, she supposed, than the other dorms on campus.
"Sorry to have left it. I've been more than a little scatterbrained recently."
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