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Keith Queen ([info]sonic_arrow) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-23 12:54:00

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Entry tags:inactive - damien wilson, inactive - keith queen, inactive - morgaine king, inactive - robert queen, plot - "brothers in arms"

Break Out
Keith sat in his cell with restraints and a device on his neck that prevented him from using his sonic scream.  They took all of his equipment and locked it away in a safe.  His dad was on his way to visit him, which wasn't something Keith looked forward to.  Killing the Artist quickly became Keith's biggest regret.  He had screwed over not only himself, but his entire family.  How was he supposed to make this up to them?  He didn't know, and he was just about ready to give up on everything.

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2011-01-23 05:04 pm UTC (link)
Special Agent Vincent Kennedy of the FBI is currently in the Police Chief's office, with his partner, handing over a transfer request for Keith Queen to the Gotham City Police Chief.

"Look, you can waste everyone's time calling your superiors to tell what my papers are already telling you about Keith Queen's transfer to Blackgate Penitentiary, or you can let me take him.

He's a meta-human and let's be honest here, Chief; you couldn't stop him from getting /in here/ to kill the Artist. How are you going to stop him from getting out or from someone else getting in here to free him?" Agent Kennedy asks.

"Look, I know what your papers say, but Keith Queen killed a man in Gotham City. He will be arraigned in Gotham City tomorrow morning and he will stand trial /in Gotham City/. No amount of money, or his father's name or string-pulling is going to get him out of that.

Unlike the last police commissioner, I'm making it my job to put all the criminals, and that means vigilantes, too, out of business." Stahl says.

"All right, go ahead and make your calls. I'm going to suggest that Internal Affairs take a look at the way this department is being run, though, Chief. You can count on that." Kennedy says. Stahl turns around to use the phone and Vesper signals to the other agent in the room.

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2011-01-23 05:06 pm UTC (link)
Special Agent Clint Barton nods, seeing the signal.

"Chief, I'm going to go check on the prisoner and make sure he hasn't been mistreated." Barton says, turning to go.

Robert walks out of the room and over to the nearest cop.

"Where is Keith Queen being held? I want to see him immediately." he asks.

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2011-01-23 05:46 pm UTC (link)
The police officer Special Agent Clint Barton speaks to direct him to where Keith is being held. Two other officers accompany them to shackle the prisoner and process him for transport.

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2011-01-24 12:13 am UTC (link)
Robert follows the officers to the holding cell and checks out Keith as soon as he sees him.

"Keith Queen? My name is Special Agent Clint Barton. I'll be taking you to Blackgate Prison to await your arraignment." Robert says.

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2011-01-24 03:30 pm UTC (link)
Keith looked up, and he was a bit shocked. He shook himself out of it, though.

"Wait, what? Blackgate? Are you kidding me?" To be honest, the reason he was so convincing was because he was really that shocked. Maybe for a different reason, of course. But he was shocked none-the-less.

The police officers opened his cell and dragged him up off the ground. The put extra restraints on him and checked the collar that impeded his sonic scream.

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(no subject) - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-01-25 02:52 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-01-26 02:10 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-01-26 03:11 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-01-27 07:27 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-01-28 03:31 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-01-29 12:55 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-01-29 08:06 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-01-29 08:14 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-01-30 03:35 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-01-30 03:51 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-01-30 03:58 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-01-30 04:03 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-01-30 04:14 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-01-30 04:18 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-01-30 04:30 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-01-30 02:17 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-01-30 08:43 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-01-30 09:12 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-02-01 12:42 am UTC

2011-01-31 10:32 pm UTC (link)
They got out of the van and boarded the plane. When the plane stopped, Keith followed Robert out. Last time he was out of the States was on a Euro Trip with Jerry.

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2011-02-01 12:44 am UTC (link)
When the pair exits the plane, there's a limo waiting for them on the tarmac. A large man looks at the pair of them, then opens the door to let them into the vehicle.

Robert gets in and waits for Keith.

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2011-02-01 12:48 am UTC (link)
The first thing Keith does while he's getting in is look around the inside of the limo to see everything he could. He trusted Robert, but there was no way in Hell he trusted the League of Assassins.

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2011-02-01 01:07 am UTC (link)
Once the two are comfortably seated, the limo pulls away from Heathrow airport and out into the English countryside.

"I'm glad we made it this far. I'm not sure what we'd have done if Oliver had shown up before I had." Robert says.


"So, how close are you two?" he asks, as though he's only faintly curious rather than extremely eager to know.

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2011-02-01 01:22 am UTC (link)
"Oh, me and Dad? We used to hang out whenever we got the chance, until Mom decided we needed to take some breaks. We kinda stopped hangin' out so much this year, though. Except when I asked him to keep training me so I could be Green Arrow."

He wondered something, then.

"How come you never came around?"

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(no subject) - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-02-01 01:54 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-02-01 01:16 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-02-02 03:06 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-02-02 04:11 am UTC
At the Chateau
2011-02-02 04:38 am UTC (link)
The limo rolls onto the grounds of a spacious estate somewhere in the southern English countryside. Robert and Keith are escorted from the car and into the house.

Once inside, the pair are met by James Abbot, who nods to both of them.

"Young Keith, my Master bids you welcome and would speak with you in the den. He has somewhat he wishes to speak to you of, regarding the Lady De--Mistress Lian. He asks that you come alone. You are under his protection." James.

"Robert, if you will wait here, the Master has arranged your travel preparations. He would like you to meet with your finalizer and determine that all is in order. Through those double doors to your left." James says, sweeping an arm in that direction.

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Re: At the Chateau
2011-02-02 04:44 am UTC (link)
"That's Miss Harper," Keith corrected. Miss She's-My-Niece Harper.

He gave Robert a slightly worried glance, and then made his way into the den. He was getting to meet the guy that knocked Lian up. Oh, how his dad would have loved to be the first one to meet him. And give him a royal beating, too. But Keith didn't know exactly what he was going to do just yet.

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Re: At the Chateau
2011-02-02 04:53 am UTC (link)
Keith enters the den and finds himself in an opulently furnished room with several silk rungs and paintings on each wall.

An oak desk sits before Keith, with a laptop computer and webcam equipped. On the screen is the face of Damien Wilson, the Demon's Head.

"Good morning, Keith. I am sorry I could not be there to meet with you in person, but I had pressing business to attend to elsewhere. I am glad to make your acquaintance, however. It is very clear that you and Robert are brothers; you both favor each other." Damien says, sipping on a vodka martini.

"Would you like something to eat or drink?" he asks. "My cooks will prepare you anything you like."

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Re: At the Chateau
2011-02-02 04:57 am UTC (link)
"No," Keith replied flatly. He was making it pretty clear that he did not like Damien, and he had no intention of trying. He was only doing this because he trusted Robert. That was it. It didn't mean he had to like it.

"What do you want from me?"

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Re: At the Chateau
2011-02-02 05:01 am UTC (link)
"You cut to the chase, Mr. Queen. I like that. I hear your father is much the same." Damien says, setting down his drink.

"Robert has bargained for your safe passage to a destination of your choice, Keith. However, my...hospitality is not free. I require a favor for you, as I am harboring a fugitive." Damien says.

"Agree to my request and you can return home to your family with a clear conscience, along with the ability to say that you have a friend in the League.

I...would also like to be able to say that I have someone who can intercede with Roy Harper on behalf of Lian and myself, Keith. Do you know that she is carrying my child?" he asks.

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Re: At the Chateau - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-02-02 05:11 am UTC
Re: At the Chateau - [info]headofthedemon, 2011-02-02 05:15 am UTC
Re: At the Chateau - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-02-02 05:26 am UTC
Re: At the Chateau - [info]headofthedemon, 2011-02-02 05:33 am UTC
Re: At the Chateau - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-02-02 05:51 am UTC
Re: At the Chateau - [info]headofthedemon, 2011-02-02 06:09 am UTC
Re: At the Chateau - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-02-02 06:16 am UTC
In the Room on the Left
2011-02-02 04:48 am UTC (link)
Robert nodded to Keith, determined to check on him as soon as he can, but he goes toward the door on the left.

He opens the door and enters the room, waiting for the finalizer, not noticing that the doors are closed, and locked, behind him.

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Re: In the Room on the Left
2011-02-02 04:50 am UTC (link)
"I had you pegged as many things, Robert Queen." Came a voice from inside the shadows.

Morgaine stepped out.

"However, stupid was not one of them."

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Re: In the Room on the Left
2011-02-02 04:56 am UTC (link)
Robert turns at the sound of the voice, recognizing it immediately, though he's only heard it once.

"You." he says, trying to cover his shock with disinterest.

"You know, I didn't think Damien kept assassins that can't actually kill people on retainer." Robert says, quickly taking off his coat and his tie, then tearing his shirt open.

Underneath, his gear is on.

"Maybe I'll have to show Damien what a real killer looks like." Robert says.

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Re: In the Room on the Left
2011-02-02 05:00 am UTC (link)
A dark grin crossed Morgaine's face, and she pulled out her swords.

"My brother understands why I let my thirst for revenge get in the way of my mission.

This time, however, you will stay dead."

She jumped at him, swords drawn.

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Re: In the Room on the Left
2011-02-02 05:03 am UTC (link)
Robert draws his long-knives, smirking at Morgaine.

"I bet you say that to /all/ the boys." Robert taunts, parrying her first strike and trying to slash at her in return.

"You know, you /still/ haven't told me your name." Robert says.

"I want to know what I need to have carved in your tombstone after you're dead." he says.

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Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]demonchild, 2011-02-02 05:05 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-02-02 05:11 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]demonchild, 2011-02-02 05:22 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-02-02 05:26 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]demonchild, 2011-02-02 05:30 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-02-02 05:41 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]demonchild, 2011-02-02 05:46 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-02-02 05:57 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]demonchild, 2011-02-02 06:01 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-02-02 06:13 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-02-02 06:18 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]demonchild, 2011-02-02 06:20 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-02-02 06:36 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-02-02 06:44 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]demonchild, 2011-02-02 06:51 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-02-03 12:50 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]dc_assassins, 2011-02-03 12:52 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]demonchild, 2011-02-03 12:53 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-02-03 01:36 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-02-03 01:41 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]headofthedemon, 2011-02-03 01:42 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]demonchild, 2011-02-03 01:43 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]headofthedemon, 2011-02-03 01:51 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]demonchild, 2011-02-03 01:55 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]headofthedemon, 2011-02-03 02:47 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]demonchild, 2011-02-03 02:49 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]headofthedemon, 2011-02-03 03:29 am UTC
Re: In the Room on the Left - [info]demonchild, 2011-02-03 03:34 am UTC
The Escape
2011-02-03 01:49 am UTC (link)
It was Keith's turn to help Robert. After the pair of them escape the room with Morgaine in it, Keith stole one of the cars at the chateau and ushered Robert into the passenger seat. When they were both in, Keith hot-wired it and took the hell off.

"Oh man, oh man, oh man."

That was the equivalent of 'shit shit shit'.

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Re: The Escape
2011-02-03 02:45 am UTC (link)
Robert's breath is a little ragged as he sits hunched over in the front seat.

"Keith...the knife. Please, pull out...the knife." Robert says.

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Re: The Escape
2011-02-03 02:51 am UTC (link)
"Oh. Oh! Of course!"

He let one hand off the wheel and pulled the knife out. It wasn't serrated, thank God.

"You need to see a doctor, Robert. I'm not gonna let you die."

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Re: The Escape
2011-02-03 03:08 am UTC (link)
Robert screams in pain as the knife is pulled out, cursing a little, but once it's out, he feels much better. He hopes the damage isn't permanent.

"Jane...is so gonna kick my ass." Robert pants, chuckling a little.

"No doctors, man. We go near a hospital, we might as well kill ourselves, because the League will come after us. And they'll kill anyone in the way.

What did Damien want from you?" he asks.

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Re: The Escape - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-02-03 03:18 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-02-03 03:25 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-02-03 03:35 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-02-03 03:43 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-02-03 03:47 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-02-03 04:06 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-02-03 04:20 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-02-03 04:40 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-02-03 04:52 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-02-03 05:12 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-02-03 05:39 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-02-03 05:51 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-02-03 05:55 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]dc_parent, 2011-02-03 05:57 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-02-03 05:58 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-02-03 06:05 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]dc_parent, 2011-02-03 06:08 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]hunters_moon, 2011-02-03 06:08 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-02-03 06:12 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]dc_parent, 2011-02-03 06:17 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-02-03 06:22 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]dc_parent, 2011-02-03 06:26 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-02-03 06:30 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]dc_parent, 2011-02-03 06:33 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-02-03 06:38 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]dc_parent, 2011-02-04 12:29 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-02-10 02:45 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]dc_parent, 2011-02-10 03:17 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-02-10 03:38 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]dc_parent, 2011-02-11 02:07 am UTC
Re: The Escape - [info]sonic_arrow, 2011-02-14 02:27 pm UTC

2011-02-27 01:23 am UTC (link)

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