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cris • tee • nuh ([info]cristina_lacosa) wrote,
@ 2011-09-11 00:07:00

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OTP Love!
I want to fill out my OTP page, so I want YOU GUYS to comment here with why you love our pairings. ALL OF THEM! I want little bits of pieces of everything anything to help me with the blurbs and maybe I'll have a little shout out section IDK IDK

soo...go go go! ♥ ♥!!

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2011-09-11 01:40 am UTC (link)
Ted is the only reason Andromeda didn't go crazy during the first wizarding war. And probably the only reason she didn't go crazy after it, too. They're awesome, basically.

Maddie helped calm Nick down without him even realizing it! She gave him fun and let him do his stupid magic tricks around her. <3

Avis and Tomas! Are the sort of childhood rivalries-turned-romances that everyone sees but them until the moment before they happen. I really love how protective they are of each other.

Euan and Rebecca -- well, okay, he BASICALLY risked his life to come and get her, and they are pretty much the most romantic ever. They're both so neurotic.

Patrick pretty much saved Lyssandra from falling back into the same routine of getting down with the wrong people -- he loves their daughter even if he's not her father, and they do stupid things with each other that sometimes turn out wonderfully - like getting married so they can have sex.

Galvin and Victoria had that sort of really steamy sexual tension that they knew everyone else picked up on in my head, but Victoria didn't want to make the first move on him until she was sure he was okay with it. She is really glad to see that he's starting to genuinely be happy even if she's worried he's just putting on an act for her.

Annnnd Henry and Heidi. Omigosh. Okay, they met at SPEED DATING and she has hit his brother in the face for spreading half-truths about her. What's not to love!

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2011-09-11 01:51 am UTC (link)
McLaggens! ---
You know why I adore them? Because they are my fairy tail romance, okay. Just like you see in the movies where the guy meets the girl and then like in five minutes of movie time he's in love and then they are getting married. That is Tiberius and Elena McLaggen. And they just love each other sooo much its like nothing else matters. But the kids! They are just this epic fairy tale family of love.

Jordans! ---

PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING YOU SAID LOL words stolen out of my mouth.

lmfao Theo/Holly ----

Because neither of them admit they are dating? Well Theo says they are, but its really him just showing up as her date to whatever and her not stopping him.

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