The Arcadia Times -- School Gossip
This is old news, but it seems our esteemed quarter back is officially off the market. That's right, ladies. The hot new QB is a taken man. The question remains - what does that certain cheerleader have that the others don't? I can't help being curious about that one, myself.
In other news, a certain very spoken for freshman was seen in the company of a girl who is most definitely not his girlfriend at last weekend's masquerade. Is there trouble in paradise or was it simply a case of when the girlfriend's away...
Valentine's day is just around the corner, with the Winter Ball just over a week away. Better grab your chosen Valentines before someone else beats you to them!
[OOC: Have some gossip for Sage? Submit it here. As a reminder, the column is anonymous and no one knows it's Sage writing it, but if you want her to work something in, I'm sure we can find a way for her to know about it. ;)]
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