
cabotine | |
Characters: Rowan and Leon Setting: Sonnier dorm, Sunday around lunch time. Content: NSFW for language most likely. Summary: Rowan talks to Leon about some things. Rowan had been out in the woods for most of the morning, trying to combine wizard and Muggle magic to make a tracking spell. It was hard work, and took a lot of research, and it had failed spectacularly. She was missing too many things, it was the wrong time of day, and she was starting to get too tired to think. Once she hit that point, Rowan decided that it was best for her to bring her things back to her room and maybe try to get some food and read something that didn't have to do with spells for the time being. Glancing around before she opened the door to the Sonnier dorm, Rowan breathed a sigh of relief that no one had seen her coming from the woods. Re-adjusting her bag on her shoulder, she turned the knob to the dorm that she lived in and closed it behind her, lost in thought. Or un-thought. There wasn't really any one particular things that was on her mind, but more a jumble of things that she couldn't focus on. Everything felt like it was whirling out of control, and she felt like she needed time to sort it all out. Head looking at the ground, she started into the common room, thinking that she would make her way back up the stairs to her room. Tags: !incomplete, leon shaw, rowan cabot

Leon had been looking for Rowan, in the same half-assed way he looked for most people. When she wasn't in any of the common rooms people gathered around the dorm, or her room, he'd decided to dress and head out to at least pretend to study. But he headed out of the dorm, lo and behold the person he was looking for came walking in. Looking thin and tired. Huh. "You look like you need sleep," he commented a bit drily as he came up to her and stopped. He'd never have admitted it to anyone, not even Rowan, but he'd been following the whole 'missing parents' ordeal since he caught wind. It seemed almost ridiculous that people had gone missing like that and a week passed before anyone in authority decided something was weird about it. For that matter, given all the strange events of the last year, he figured it should have triggered alarms right away. And high school bullshit aside, he didn't have much else to do than to look into strange events happening around New Orleans. So far he'd concluded that whatever was going on, the women were the important link. The men in the search party had been left behind, in the same state as Bekka and Mack's fathers had been. To him it seemed logical to assume that the women would be found better condition, at least until proven otherwise. So then the question came down to 'why'. Was it a ritual? He was leaning toward something to do with voodoo rituals at the moment, not that it brought much comfort. His original theory had been that creatures plaguing the campus were involved, but that didn't seem to be the case. Perhaps, instead, the creature of the creatures was involved? A logical jump, but still one he wasn't sure he'd ever go on record saying. "How are you holding up?" He asked, a bit more concern leaking into his voice than he'd normally have allowed.


Smooth, he thought. Sliding right from her own answer and deflecting into him. Granted, he'd probably wasted a few dozen braincells while smoking pot and snorting coke, but he wasn't blind. He shrugged a little, though, hands shoved in his pockets.
"Alive, pissing people off, pretty much the norm for me." He answered, looking her up and down for a moment. "Not really me with the problem right now, though."
For a moment he wondered how people did it, the whole concerned thing. It wasn't like it was easy to express it, at least for him. Maybe it was because he spent so much time thinking about how miserable he was, and how unfair life was for him that when he tried to look concerned, he just looked like some kicked dog. It was almost pathetic. Rowan had the ability, though, to look both like a kicked down and concerned at the same time. It was rather remarkable.
"So...any news?" He asked, after a moment, rocking back on his heels a little. This wasn't precisely his forte, he realized.


He raised an eyebrow when she snapped that nothing was wrong replying to her calmly, "never said there was." She was pretty defensive, though, for someone that was just fine.
He let it go, however, instead focusing on what she was saying about the news, and then her own self assurance that everything would be alright. It was a bit sad how hyper forced she was on the subject. He supposed he'd not be all that different, in her shoes.
"What sort of research?" He asked, glancing at a few other students the were mulling about. He figured that if he kept her talking, she'd eventually relax just a little. "You know, you don't have to be the one that figures it out."
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