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j a k e ([info]auroared) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-10-06 22:09:00

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Entry tags:avis booth, tomas booth

Avis! Earlier today
"I was thinking---well, dinosaurs is a little played out, I mean. They're extinct, but then we could do a dig, like---sand box with bones in there and I know you'd enjoy that, but I mean, how's he supposed to know what the hell he's looking for---"

Tomas let out a shaky breath, hands flipping through his journal as he pulled out random pictures he'd started collecting over the past few weeks. He'd never thrown a kid's birthday party before, and he figured with magic it should be even more awesome than the birthdays he remembered and---where the hell was that witch with their test results.

Sitting back in his chair Tomas' foot began to shake in anticipation. They'd been in the waiting room for a good ten minutes now, how bloody hard was it to check yes and no? Unless--unless they'd failed, and first Avis would kill him, and then he'd get sent to jail and have to suffer there with some of the wizards he'd put away himself and that was just bloody annoying.

No, no they didn't fail. He was sure he'd answered all of his questions correctly, and there was no way that Avis failed. So--it was just a waiting game. Tomas looked back at his journal and flipped past a few more pages.

"Or---or we could just do quidditch. That has to be fun--do they have kiddie versions of quidditch?"

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2008-10-07 03:24 am UTC (link)
Avis was positive that Tomas was talking like this because he was waiting for the test results and trying to keep his mind off of them failing. She was surprisingly calm about things, mostly because the interview that she'd taken could actually have been passed by a couple that had been together for a few years. She was ... a bit shocked that the Ministry had been so fair.

It had taken her months to actually be comfortable with this sort of thing, but she slid her hand over to the back of his neck gently, massaging very lightly while she hummed, obviously thinking about her answer.

"If we put up some sort of bubble-type enclosure to stop him from falling off the broom and breaking something ... well. I'm sure that we could figure something out."

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2008-10-07 03:42 am UTC (link)
"Yeaaaah, but he's gotta learn that quidditch isn't a game. I mean--it is, but. Falling's the first step. But. I mean. I guess other people wouldn't want their kids falling, and is it hot in here?"

He unconsciously pushed back into her touch as he looked around the room, trying to see some fault in the heating spells placed on the rooms. The lights didn't seem any brighter than any other room in the ministry, but for fuck's sake--you'd think they would have made the examination room hotter than hell, to try and weed out the ones who really did fake their marriage.

Tomas didn't even see the big deal. If muggleborns were willing to risk getting arrested to do what they wanted then, hell. Let them do as they pleased, the ministry should be bloody happy to have something to do in imprisoning them. Of course---of course he found all of the rules ridiculous and inhuman, but again, it was a person's right to put themselves in a situation like this.

"Anyway---what about cowboys?"

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2008-10-07 03:48 am UTC (link)
"Yes, that was my reasoning. I doubt that people would like their children falling and breaking their arm." She let out a sigh of her own and watched him curiously, eying him as he glanced about the room. Honestly.

"Tomas," she murmured evenly, "I think that cowboys could be fun. We could rig some enchanted weapons to shoot ... well, something exciting, and there could be a miniature saloon-type station with refreshments and cake." And there could be horses or something of the like. It would be cute, she thought.

And Tomas probably wouldn't look terrifying bad in a cowboy hat. It had its perks.


"And calm down. You're making me twitch."

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2008-10-07 04:44 am UTC (link)
Tomas rubbed his eyes with a deep breath. He'd rather be out in the field, than here. Wasn't that something? He would rather be facing death in the eye than hear he and Avis weren't married anymore.

Boy, that made him such a sap, didn't it?

But at least it proved that he loved her. Right?

"I'm trying, I just keep thinking---they really don't want us together, right?" He dropped his hands and looked over at Avis. He had never thought about their blood statuses before, mostly because it wasn't their blood that had kept them apart for so long. It had been his ego, and hell she was stubborn as anything too, so he'd been more focused on those things than whether or not he was magical enough to gain the attention of someone whose parents could do magic.

"So why the hell should we be able to pass, you know?" he shook his head, voice lowering, "Probably rigged beyond all belief, the Ministry is going down the toilet and I don't know how long I can deal with this shit."

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2008-10-07 04:49 am UTC (link)
"Tomas," oh, this was a hot-button issue with her if there had ever been one, "Have you ever known me to cease doing something because other people didn't want me to? Even when it was Conway?" The answer was no and they both knew it -- she'd gotten them both into trouble for it.

She sighed quietly, turning to face him completely. "I might not think that you can compete with me for intelligence," she mused with a slight smirk, "But I know that you're smarter than most of the blokes probably conducting this interview." Avis paused then.

"But more than that, I know that there isn't a damned thing these people can do to keep me apart from you. I waited ten bloody years, didn't I?" Longer if she were honest with herself.

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2008-10-07 09:33 pm UTC (link)
He frowned at her intelligence comment, but his expression soon softened and Tomas' lips turned up into a small smirk. Tomas would be the first to admit that---no, no he'd never admit to anyone other than Avis that his relentless teasing and ridicule had been a tactic to get to know her better (and, because---she really did wear stupid glasses and her hair was a mess). And--it had taken him a long time to get over himself enough to honestly pursue her, and even then it had taken a near-death experience to do so.

Sometimes he felt really shitty about that, but seriously--could you think of a better story for the kids? No way.

"Aw, Tremaine," he mumbled, leaning toward her, "Who knew you could be such a softie." And--that was definitely the witch who administered the exam coming down the corridor, but Tomas was going to get his kiss. Could be the last for a while.

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2008-10-08 12:22 am UTC (link)
"Yes, well," she smirked a little more and arched her brow, "If you tell anyone I might have to sick Yorick on you." But then he was kissing her and since she'd caught the witch administering the exams for today out of the corner of her eye, made a point to deepen the kiss and let it linger.

If only because it would probably calm Tomas down a little. Right, and it wasn't because even she felt a bit tossed off about this even if she was positive that they'd done exceptionally well.

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2008-10-08 11:42 pm UTC (link)
"Congratulations, you passed."

Tomas' lips were still nearly connected to Avis' when the bored looking woman held out a folder, her gum snapping annoyingly. That...was it?

"You're kidding me," he said, standing up a bit faster than he should've. All this commotion, all the punishments, and this was it, "Where the fuck is our parade?"

Half serious, half...no, no he seriously needed something more than a bloody congratulations for all the stress the Ministry had put him through this weekend. Congratulations? Congratulations that you knew your wife? The person you were supposed to know every little thing about?

"Would you like a sticker? I have stickers."

He nearly yelped yes, but caught the patronizing tone of the woman and merely snatched the folder out of her hands.

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2008-10-08 11:47 pm UTC (link)
Avis watched Tomas with no small amount of amusement and then glanced to the woman once Tomas was done making a fool of himself. Just as the lady (Merlin, it looked like standing was too much effort for the woman) was about to walk off, Avis politely raised a finger and stepped up to her with a quirked brow.

"Excuse me?" The woman looked to her quizzically and she smirked. "I would like a sticker." If only because it would annoy this woman to no end, and Avis was definitely in the mood to make other people as irritated as Tomas was.

It was how she dealt with things.

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