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Joseph Marko ([info]cant_stop_this) wrote,
@ 2013-11-19 21:19:00

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Entry tags:lyta, meme

Part One of My Confessions
Though he was now pretty much living in London full time as part of Excalibur (for now, anyway.  Joe had never been real good with having much purpose or direction in life), having a magical teammate made getting back home to the Mansion pretty easy.  Besides, he had to train up his replacement in how most of the things around the Mansion actually worked.  Not too many people could rewire a room, assemble furniture, fix the engine on Rolls, and rewire a Danger Room console.

....He hoped the place wouldn't burn down without him.

In the meantime, though, he'd headed back to his own room to pack up a few things he hadn't been able to take last time.

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