kim joonmyun"appa" / eighteen
Luhan's second father. A pillar in his life, the foundation stone, the steady presence that makes life not as fearsome to live through. Joonmyun lives on a pedestal in Luhan's heart, in a special untouchable place just a little higher than the other heroes in his life. Luhan's love for Joonmyun is slightly possessive, enough that he'll fight off the women in his life to make sure they don't touch him. Luhan is convinced that no one in the world deserves his appa (except for maybe one of his other brothers) and he's determined to make sure Joonmyun has only the best. Luhan likes to whine and play cute to Joonmyun to get his way, unless appa invokes the power of baba.

park chanyeol"yeolhyung" / seventeen
The first half of the ChanXing tag team duo of amazing ideas and brilliant executions. Chanyeol is yet another hyung that doesn't feel like a hyung, his bright smiles and readiness to indulge Luhan on his whims frankly makes Luhan feel as if they're the same age. Luhan laughs at Chanyeol's Korean, which sometimes comes out worse than his. It's quietly understood that if Luhan ever needed it, Chanyeol would come running - and vice versa.

kris"baba" / seventeen
The husband to appa's wife. If Joonmyun is the warm arms to hide in, Kris is the knight that fights the demons and checks under his bed for monsters. Kris is the voice of practicality in Luhan's life, a welcome voice when the rest of his brothers only want to play all the time and Joonmyun appa is easily overridden by their exuberant natures. Kris is that calm presence that makes Luhan fear no one in his life, because he can do anything with Kris baba at his back. Luhan doesn't whine to Kris the way he does with Joonmyun, though he gives it a good try.

byun baekhyun"baekhyung" / seventeen
Possibly the brother in his life that Luhan hyung understands the least. It's not to say that they don't get along, they get along fabulously and Luhan thinks Baekhyun is sharp and witty in a way that the others aren't. There's a bit of a sharpness to him that the others don't though, with the exception of Kris baba. Luhan thinks Baekhyun looks best without makeup, can't wrap his mind around the idea that he doesn't eat meat, and wrinkles his nose at the way he likes the cheerleaders - but his Baekhyung is his and he loves him just as much as he loves the others.

zhang yixing"yixing ge" / sixteen
One of Luhan's best friends. Yixing ge is the ge that doesn't really feel like a ge, the second half of the amazing ChanXing tag team duo. Yixing indulges all of Luhan's childish wants, from playing with Duck to eating sweets to acting like fools in Disney world. They hold each others hands to make sure the other doesn't get lose, but most of the time they usually just end up getting lost together.

name hererelationship / age
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