FULL NAME: Steven Jim McGarrett
NICKNAMES: Steve, McGarrett, Smooth Dog, Babe
AGE & DOB: 36; 1975-10-14
OCCUPATION: Former Navy SEAL, Head of Five-0 task force, inmate
RANK: Lieutenant Commander

EDUCATION: Kukui High School, USNA
PARENTS: John McGarrett, Father [Deceased], Linda McGarrett, Mother [Deceased]
SIBLINGS: Mary Anne McGarrett, little sister

before those walls you built begin caving in

Height: 6 ft.
Build: Well-defined, powerful but not overly-bulky
Eyes: Blue/Green
Hair: Dark brown, curly
Skin: Usually tan
Distinguishing Features: Tattoos on both biceps, scar over left clavicle
Dress Style: Most days, he wears cargo pants with a button down shirt (usually open), a t-shirt or V-neck beneath, his firearm. He cleans up nice and owns more than one high-end suit. His Class A's are always ready to be worn should he be called to military function.
Manner of Speech: No discernible accent, but Steve is fluent in Pigin and Chinese. Only raises his voice when under extreme stress. Broad vocabulary and concise wording. Steve doesn't waste his breath when it's not needed.
Manner of Movement: Trained to walk, crawl, and run to military specifications, he generally doesn't make a sound when walking. His posture is near perfect due to years of martial arts, military and other fight training. He uses his size to impose fear when needed and standing tall helps very much with that.

You know it's only a matter of time

Robocop. Rambo. Terminator. These are the key words that come to mind whenever someone asks Danny about his partner.
Steve however, is far from emotionless. Having been trained to keep his emotions closely guarded, it's hard for him to let anyone see any negative aspect of his thoughts. He prefers to stay calm, cool, and collected and never let on what he's thinking unless it benefits his team or the mission at hand.
He's has an intense need for a family dynamic and will go out of his way to make sure that his team--his adopted family as it were--are happy, healthy, and in their prime.

'til self-destruction is your dearest friend


  • Direct Action (DA)
  • Counterterrorism (CT)
  • Foreign Internal Defense (FID)
  • Unconventional Warfare (UW)
  • Special Reconnaissance (SR)
  • Psychological Operations (PSYOP)
  • Civil Affairs Operations (CAO)
  • Information Operations (IO)
  • Counterproliferation (CP) of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
  • Close Quarters Combat
  • Long-Range Weapons
  • Explosive Ordinances
  • Tactical Insertion/Extraction
Now there's nothing I can do

They met. They fought. They became closer than partners.
Will follow Canon as close as possible, with a few fast fowards and deviations along the way; McDannos
What was once an atypical friendship will turn into more once the truth of Steve's prison stay comes to light.
Will follow Canon as close as possible, with the exception of how quickly it took to get Steve exonorated for his so-called crime;

to close your wounds or open your eyes to life

AIM: ~cdrmcgarrett
Timezone: EST
Availability: Mon-Sun after 6pm
Preference [character]: Slash. Will do het or gen
Preference [play]: AIM, threading, spam