words you wish you wrote down - July 16th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
words you wish you wrote down

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July 16th, 2008

[Jul. 16th, 2008|12:57 am]


I said, "look at the map on the wall, put your fingers on where we are,
no matter where I go we're just an inch apart."
You interrupted and said, "not that old speech again! -
If we're just an inch apart, then reach out and grab my hand." -
Have you given too much away?
Are you giving us up?
Did the going get tough this time?
Don't give up on us, don't give up...
I know that this is true, at least it used to be,
you'd have nobody if you don't have me...
And didn't we say forever?
Didn't I promise you?
Didn't we say forever?

Darling don't... darling, don't.
We didn't come this far just to throw it all away.
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