words you wish you wrote down - January 17th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
words you wish you wrote down

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January 17th, 2008

[Jan. 17th, 2008|04:04 pm]


So I'll clear the road, the gravel, and the thorn bush in your path, that burns a scented oil that I'll drip into your bath. The water's there to warm you, and the earth is warmer when you laugh.

And love is the scene I render when you catch me wide awake, and love is the dream you enter though I shake and shake and shake you, and love's the best endeavor waiting in the lion's mane.

* * *

I just posted again in [info]promote about this community, and if you really want to help it grow, tell all your friends on here. If you ever want anything changed (layout, title, # of entries per page, rules, etc) just let me know and I'll do the best I can to take care of it quickly. Thanks guys. :)
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[Jan. 17th, 2008|06:21 pm]


I want to try and tell you how there is so much love inside me, even though its hard to see
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[Jan. 17th, 2008|08:36 pm]


it's enlightening to think of the breeze, to believe in things that we can't see (so here we go) let's show them how to live, accept the pain, always forgive. watch the sun go down learn the sound of following all that is complete   
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[Jan. 17th, 2008|09:15 pm]


Thursday night, every thing's fine, except you've got that look in your eye
when I'm telling a story and you find it boring,
you're thinking of something to say.
You'll go along with it then drop it and humiliate me in front of our friends.

Then I'll use that voice that you find annoying and say something like
"Yeah, intelligent input, darling, why don't you just have another beer then?"
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