So alien was the sound of another voice echoing through the cold estate's halls that Ophelia's eyes immediately shot open wide, despite the bare whisper that remained once the sound reached her ears. Shifting very carefully so as to not awaken the sleeping child in her arms, she moved to rise and place Anya back in her crib. Once she was safe and sound, hands switched quickly from baby to wand, grabbing the instrument off the dresser and brandishing it in front defensively.
It took little time to secure the nursery's door once she had stepped into the hall, and for the first time, Ophelia ventured to wonder who had come to her home unannounced. Certainly the wards Grayson had put up on the house when they had moved in could not allow in anyone she would class as unwanted, but what if? Who was to say that the wards hadn't been breached, or that they hadn't been weakened, and that someone who had reason to hate her late husband hadn't come looking for revenge? As wild as it sounded to the Ravenclaw sensibilities she held onto so dearly, these days Ophelia couldn't help but be scared, terrified of the idea that anything more could go wrong.
She was paranoid, yes. Paranoid that someone in this world could take Anastasiya from her, the way they'd taken Grayson.
Knuckles whitening from her intense grip on her weapon, she quietly stepped down the hallway and into the foyer. As she cautiously spun to survey the area, out of the corner of her eye Ophelia caught the image of her mysterious someone standing there, in the middle of the drawing room--she could not even take the time to process who it was before jumping back several feet in surprise.
"Merlin's beard, Amery!" she cursed, throwing a hand to her chest. "I thought there was an--" intruder? That sounded so silly now-- "--I mean, you scared me!"
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