10 May 2008 @ 04:18 pm
October 31st, 1978  
Who: John Mulciber and Matilda Rowle
What: Mental breakdowns and first kisses!
Where: Aland Avery's Halloween party

It's a fucking mental breakdown, it's it is NOT a FUCKING TANTRUM! )
10 May 2008 @ 04:04 pm
September 14th, 1978  
Who: Matilda Rowle and John Mulciber
What: Fighting. What's new?
Where: Mulciber mansion thing XD

Don't make apologies for what you could never change )
10 May 2008 @ 03:59 pm
December 25th, 1978  
Who: John Mulicber and Matilda Rowle
What: Christmas gifts

Her brother's souless eyes were staring back at her )