The Ravenclaw Common Room!
Phoebe rocked back and forth on her heels, finding herself quite nervous.
"It's really late and I've been studying very hard for my exams, so if I could get a hint, please?" She knew it was to no avail, and for the third time the Eagle knocker on the door of the Ravenclaw Common Room slowly let out the night's riddle,
I'm the part of the bird that's not in the sky. I can swim in the ocean and yet remain dry. What am I?
She let out a puff of air and dropped down flat on her feet. Okay, okay Pheebs, think! It couldn't be an impossible answer, because she heard voices beyond the door, so someone must have answered it already. Knowing that the riddle had already been solved made Phoebe flush slightly; she should be able to do this, dang it, she was a prefect! Okay, okay. Let's talk this out.
"Part of the bird? I suppose the first question to your question is that how could it be a literal part of the bird if it's not up in the sky with it? It can't be, there for it's not a literal part, but what, is it its mind? Or more like the soul?" Phoebe waited a beat but when the door did not open she continued to question the question, "It's not a physical object, that's for sure---you can't swim in the ocean without getting wet, unless, again, you're not an actual....if it's not in the sky, it's on the ground, is it always with the bird?"
Her mind shot to the image of the Ravenclaw eagle soaring through the sky, and her thoughts helped her travel down to the ground; what would she see? Phoebe's eyes lit up and she puffed her chest slightly, "A shadow?"
The door clicked open and Phoebe let out a properly pleased sound as she skipped into the common room.
ooc: Fluid time thread, open to Ravenclaws (and their various guests) of all years!
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