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p s y k e ([info]psyked) wrote in [info]valesco_history,
>> Spring of '73
Hogsmeade weekends were so boring. Psyke had no idea why people got so excited about them, but she supposed that 99% of the Hogwarts population hadn't gone to Paris Fashion Week since their thirteenth birthday. Really, what did some cobblestone streets and little cozy cottages have against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower? Nothing, that's what.

Psyke had refused a few dates to the town because, really. What could any of these boys do to make it an interesting time? She was still mad at Finn for being with that Ravenclaw bint, and their latest row in the common room had put her in a sour mood for the rest of the week.

As she used her wand to fix her slightly chipped nails (bloody---classes messing up her manicure), Psyke felt a presence near her shoulder and she looked up. Her disgusted look dropped into an even more disgusted one and she looked the boy up and down,

"What's the matter, Brown, your girlfriend slither back into the dingy snake pit she hatched from?" Psyke batted her eyes, a smile perking up on her face. Ha, making fun of Harper Brown and his Slytherin always made her feel better. Maybe he should stick around.

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