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sebastian a. goldstein ([info]sebclicks) wrote in [info]valesco_history,
He felt like a water-logged dog. Sebastian had always appreciated his role in the Gryffindor boys' dorm--punching bag, and was ever so glad that they were taking it outside of the castle. He could not tell you how many times he'd been dunked in Gudgeon's pool, or pushed in, or held under the water against his will---in just the short hour or so he'd been here!

But it was all a ton of fun!

He flopped away from the water to breathe, and summoned his towel over from across the pool. It was bloody brilliant, being able to use magic outside of Hogwarts, and he hadn't hesitated in apparating to the party the second his parents had given him permission. He was like a new man! Sure he would still get beat up by his roommates, but it was because they cared! Well, besides Alex, he might just do it to be mean because he was a mean person.

Anyway! Sebastian felt like he could do anything, and when he spotted Mackenzie looking at him and coming towards him, he felt more invigorated than ever.

"Hey!" he exclaimed, taking his towel to dry his hair and hoping it wasn't a gigantic rats nest of frizz when he was done, "I missed you on the train! My brothers basically chucked me in the car after I got off so I couldn't say good-bye."

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