24 January 1985 @ 11:22 pm
Who: Caradoc Dearborn!
When: Now!
Where: NYC!

It had become so unbelievably cold that Caradoc charmed the insides of his pockets to stay much warmer than normal. )
21 November 1984 @ 11:33 pm
Stoic, and cold, Caradoc slipped through the front doors of Evan Rosier's abandoned home. The location was not ideal, he realized, but with the amount of shit Evan was no doubt cursing his every move with, one more drop in the cauldron really couldn't matter. Evan was going to kill him in the afterlife regardless of whether he kept an unconscious Derek Dobbs in his former home or not, so he might as well use the opportunity that was there while a different plane separated him from his deceased, and previous, best friend.

As usual, he mindfully inched around the piano at the end of the hallway, not needing much of an indication of its presence. Its existence, while not deafening, only reminded him of the past, and set in this run-down setting, very much felt like a powerful symbol begging to be addressed, and noticed.

Caradoc closed his left eye to block the instrument out of view.

Keeping his head down, he glided through the rest of the home until making it to the back, into a room where all those nights ago he'd dropped Derek Dobb's body. It laid like it always had, a bit disheveled and uncomfortably calm. Or, well--- Caradoc looked down at his timepiece. Shouldn't be calm anymore, should be turning more lively right about now. Feeling annoyed (must Dobbs always be this unhelpful?), he stepped closer.

"Wake up."

Caradoc kicked the bedpost, and the bed rattled in such a way that it made him seriously question the frame's structural integrity. Perhaps he should have cared more about Derek's accommodations, per his last promise to Rachel, but he really couldn't be bothered to do more than he already had. Dobbs was lucky to not be slumped on the ground in a corner.

He kicked the bed frame again.
27 October 1984 @ 11:23 pm
Halloween Haunted Castle Event! Open to Everyone!  
While she wasn't particularly keen on parties, she was set on saving wildlife. Everyone else seemed to rake in the galleons by throwing large events, no matter the scandals that erupted from them, so why couldn't they? Nora had conservatory's committee for quite some time now, and being the youngest by a good forty years, had devised this plan as a new and fresh way of funding. It helped greatly that she had friends that had access to some of the best party planners (or that she could twist Charlie Spinnet's ear until he helped her out), and things seemed to have turned out well. So far.

For the brave at heart, there was a grand maze that made its way throughout the haunted castle. Guests would be offered clues to get themselves to the ballroom, and if they were truly lost (as Nora was sure was to occur), for just a small donation (it's for charity), any money dropped into a clue box would light up a blue path down the correct route to lead the way out. With all the Gryffindors that Nora had put on the guest list, she was sure they were going to triple their goal.

There was a simpler route than the maze, which was simply to walk through the double doors to the dance floor. Nora was currently wavering between the two, having run out of pamphlets to give out at the front entrance therefore giving her no excuse to join the festivities. She felt rather exposed, as Delilah had stolen her cloak, and when someone tapped her shoulder she jumped nearly a foot in the air.

"Bloody hell!" she let out, spinning around. "You scared the life out of me!"
27 October 1984 @ 11:20 pm

You! It's not possible. )
29 April 1984 @ 10:50 pm
WHO: Scarlett Rabnott and Derek Dobbs
WHAT: A run-in in Diagon!
WHERE: ...Diagon Alley!
WHEN: MMm! Before her official trade!
STATUS: Comments!

Do you often find the back of newsstands more interesting than the front? )
05 January 1984 @ 01:36 am
WHO: Scarlett Rabnott and Derek Dobbs
WHAT: Waking up after their unexpected night
WHEN: Morning of New Year's day!
WHERE: Her flat! Which is somewhere!

Reckon it would be a terrible time to mention the wife and kids )
06 October 1983 @ 06:57 pm
Open to Guests and Friends etc!!!!  
Charlie really did love throwing parties, but it seemed like the common theme was that these events were for his really, really good friends. He knew he'd been sort of a prat to Octavius this past year or so, so he really wanted to give his friend a good time. Charlie also wanted to get Octavius' mind off of his recent breakup, which...officially had become> a breakup about a week or so after...they actually broke up. He wasn't exactly sure how everything had gone down, but he knew that this was a Rose-Free-Zone.

"Happy Octaviusfest!" he shouted along with the crowd, taking a swig from his rather large beer glass. The Oktoberfest theme was a hit, there were goats and sheep and geese and horses in pens so that Gebhard could have a blast as well, and there were good people here. No room to make a big mess of things, and it should be a good night.

And he was drinking this time around, so that would make this night even better, he suspected.
26 July 1983 @ 08:35 pm
WHO: Dirk Cresswell & Derek Dobbs!
WHEN: omg like two weeks ago? I'M SORRY DIRK I LOVE YOU

His wife never did enjoy the dangers his job put him in---or, well, that Dirk seemed to put himself in. )
20 July 1983 @ 08:13 pm
Owl to Bianca Aubrey  

bearing the hospital crest )

20 July 1983 @ 08:01 pm
WHO: Derek Dobbs
WHAT: A Missing Person's case
WHERE: Muggle Kent
WHEN: Tonight

The blonde at the desk sighed and flicked at it with her wand )
06 May 1983 @ 07:05 pm
Open to Guests!  
She'd done it. Bianca wasn't even going to apologize for the thought; she'd done it. These past few weeks leading up to the wedding had been so nerve-wracking, worse than any training she'd gone through, more terrifying than any mission she'd been on, worse than...she really thought that she was not going to make it down the aisle. The guilt and the fear had nearly paralyzed her, but putting on her wedding dress, seeing her closest friends dressed up and looking so very happy for her, a last minute owl from Bertram that made things all seem right.

Well, she practically ran down the aisle after that!

The reception had turned out beautifully, and she really, really had to thank her mother for making her have such an event. All the planning leading up to it had been stressful, but it had made her stronger, and Bianca's life depending on being able to push through anything life threw at her. Her hair was down and out of the twist it had been forced into this morning; if she was going to dance and party, she was surely going to have her hair flying about.

A particuarly happy tune came on and she grabbed Amissa's hand, bouncing happily with the little girl who was now officially her step-daughter. The thought thrilled her, and Bianca caught Bertram's eye with a big grin.
05 March 1983 @ 07:41 pm
WHO: Derek Dobbs and Mirabelle Jasper
WHAT: A Low-Key Valentine's Day!
WHERE: Diagon Alley

But when a lady questioned his daringness… )
28 February 1983 @ 09:31 pm
End of Season party! For the 3rd  
Drystan did not usually consider himself a sore loser. He had experienced enough defeats in his career to understand that winning was sometimes as much luck as it was skill—the latter of which he had plenty, the former he was starting to doubt he had any. He would even go so far as to say this was one of the top seasons he'd ever played. Losing the Cup might not be such a hardship, in that light. But to lose to the team he considered the most unsportsmanlike in the League was just an insult to injury. To have lost to them for the third time in the season was, in his perfectly reasonable and justified opinion, grounds for murder.

But a lifetime sentence in Azkaban would leave behind a wife and three children who would likely be just fine without him, but he'd miss them. So mass murder was off the table for tonight, at the very least.

Press snapped pictures outside the admittedly-abandoned looking building of 23 High Street, and Drystan knew there were more inside. Entering the rundown lobby, by-passing the elevator with the out-of-order sign, they made their way up the long flight of stairs to the grand doors of the first floor landing and into the—holy Mer—

Of course, the invitation specified formal wear, but Drystan hadn't honestly been expecting a high-brow formal occasion from the Kestrels. It was a ballroom. There was emerald green positively everywhere. There was something that looked suspiciously like a string ensemble. A bar, where he fancied he would spend as much time as possible, was in the corner. Platters with hors d'oeuvres and glass flutes zoomed by. Having stopped moving, wearing a stupefied expression, Bess had to tug his arm to get him to continue his stride.

"Hell," he muttered, pulling a grim face at the ostentatious yet somehow tasteful décor. Lifting their linked hands, he kissed the back of hers while surveying the spectacle before him.

"Five minutes? Five minutes isn't too soon."

ooc: Quidditch players/personnel + their guests! BLACK TIE! Party is on the first floor in this cool but creepy rundown building. Have fun! :D