husband was doing a very, very good job at the Ministry. Such a good job, in fact, that he'd taken to sometimes going in the office on
Sundays to get a jump start on the week. Which was good, he was a good worker, a
hard worker (Izzie often forgot that he was not a Hufflepuff), and he impressed his superiors (which there were fewer of, as her husband gained more and more success!). So fine, sure, that was all swell and good, but on a beautiful Sunday with Ernie at his grandparents and all the acres upon acres of the MacMillan Manor
empty save for Izzie and the mouse she could not catch, she really wanted her husband to be a
slacker. To lie in bed all day with her without a care in the world and simply relax and be peaceful.
Being alone in the manor only managed to remind Izzie that she was still not pregnant even after months of trying and jumping Archie at every possible second. She knew there was a
timing issue, of course, but she couldn't seem to figure it out. How had they made Ernie without a second thought (or any thought, really--) and now that a sibling was desired, it seemed like a hopeless case? Izzie reminded herself, as she stood on a chair in the kitchen to shriek at the mouse that had darted under the fridge, that she actually
was a hard-working Hufflepuff and should take matters into her own hands.
It didn't take her long to get to the Ministry, and she was surprised to see that it actually wasn't a desolate work place on Sunday morning. There were people moving about, definitely not as busy as it would be tomorrow, but there were some other workaholics that had come in today. Izzie waved her visitor's pass at the security guard and made her way up to where Archie's office was, and when she reached his door took a moment to smile and observe her husband in his element. She tightened the yellow spring coat around her smiled, "You've got a guest, Mr. MacMillan."