06 October 1983 @ 06:57 pm
Open to Guests and Friends etc!!!!  
Charlie really did love throwing parties, but it seemed like the common theme was that these events were for his really, really good friends. He knew he'd been sort of a prat to Octavius this past year or so, so he really wanted to give his friend a good time. Charlie also wanted to get Octavius' mind off of his recent breakup, which...officially had become> a breakup about a week or so after...they actually broke up. He wasn't exactly sure how everything had gone down, but he knew that this was a Rose-Free-Zone.

"Happy Octaviusfest!" he shouted along with the crowd, taking a swig from his rather large beer glass. The Oktoberfest theme was a hit, there were goats and sheep and geese and horses in pens so that Gebhard could have a blast as well, and there were good people here. No room to make a big mess of things, and it should be a good night.

And he was drinking this time around, so that would make this night even better, he suspected.
06 October 1983 @ 05:55 pm
Happy Birthday Octavius!!  

guest list! )
06 September 1983 @ 03:47 pm
Axe's Anniversary of Birth!!!!  
Charlie was pretty sure he'd missed out on a wonderful career as a party planner. As he stared out at the dance floor, which he stood over on a platform where the DJ was spinning a mix of wizard and muggle music (even with some popular French songs that were actually pretty catchy if Charlie said so himself). He wasn't surprised at how many people showed up, but it still nearly startling to see how bloody happy everyone was to be there! Sure, some looked ridiculous with the fake mustaches that were passed out (not required, obviously), but a lot had actually grown out their beards and it was----cool, they tried, they wanted to be there and they wanted to have a good time. Charlie wanted to have a good time.

The Kestrels were not top of the pack, and while he believed in his team completely, the stress of the numbers had been getting to them. A night like this was necessary, and maybe it could rejuvenate the team that had lost some valuable members this season and had done a bit of shifting around. They were still trying to get themselves into place, and it needed to happen faster than it was.

Plus, Axe had been pissy all week that no one had acknowledged the anniversary of his birth.

Charlie grabbed the mic from the DJ and grinned, enjoying colorful scene laid out in front of him. funkybuddha club had been a perfect choice for the night, "Don't everyone tire themselves out! There's still a lot more festivites to look forward to!"

enter funkybuddha club )
31 August 1983 @ 11:15 pm

RSVP with comments!! Here is the location!
26 August 1983 @ 03:30 am
Who! Penny and Delilah
What! Delilah is Delilah?
Where! Charlie's Flat
When! Today?

One would think Penny had told her that her pet goldfish was dead or unicorns didn’t exist )
03 June 1983 @ 09:55 pm
owl to penelope  
Owl to Penelope Fawcett )
03 March 1983 @ 12:34 am
Who: Your Favorite BFFs
Where: Kestrel Stadium
What: General Cuteness and Hanging out.
When: Backdated to the Tornados/Kestrels game.
Status: idk finished? Finishing in comments?

I find the Tornadoes’ hair to be quite obnoxious, so I think I’m going to have to say the Kestrels. )
25 February 1983 @ 08:42 pm
The Cup!  
Well, it had definitely been a good one.

Finn pushed through the crowd, exhausted, drenched with sweat and rain. The weather had been brutal, making it absolutely impossible to see the snitch, let alone any other ball being thrown around on the pitch; even the players had been hard to make out, and he had cursed the rain and the lightening and thunder. Those zooming on the broomsticks had collided more than once, and he was sure that some of his players and the Kestrels were flying with broken bones. But, no one on either team was willing to sit out the match.

It was the biggest game of their lives, for most of them. He had some champions on his team, hell even Jenkins had a cup under his belt. Some had never been in this spotlight, and some survived on it. Finn was one of those blokes, and in the back of his head he knew that if he didn't catch the snitch tonight that this could quite possibly be his last game. The United's management was notorious when it came to using up a player's skills until they weren't winning anymore. Captains didn't last very long in Puddlemere, and as Finn's feet touched the grass of the pitch, he decided he was going to be much classier than any of the upper management in the United offices could ever be.

He pushed through the crowd, wincing at the fireworks until he spotted the green robes of the person he'd locked his gaze on. No, he wasn't going toward Brookstanton (Finn wasn't that classy), but to the other seeker. He pulled on Broadmoor's arm, knowing the young seeker also had a lot of pride riding on his shoulders because of this match. When he turned him around, Finn's eyes couldn't help but duck down to the wings of the snitch that were poking out the side of Broadmoor's fist, the one-hundred and fifty points that had won the Kestrels the cup. Finn stuck out his hand.

"Nice catch," he said with a firm nod.

ooc: This thread is for anything related to the cup: instant celebrations, deep dark depressions, watching from the crowd---if it relates to the cup, then you can thread it here :)
23 February 1983 @ 03:17 pm
WHO: Charlie Spinnet + Penelope Fawcett
WHAT: Seriously?
WHERE: His place
WHEN: Day or so after Kestrels vs. Tornados?

We can make a game out of it. )
28 January 1983 @ 08:55 pm
Mister Spinnet!  
The new year had been a very busy one so far, for all the four weeks it had been here. Penelope herself had spent a good deal of it working long hours for knuts at the forge (where she'd earned herself two very interesting burns), learning more about water-dwelling creatures, gobbling uprisings, and the nine most common ways to misbrew a potion than she ever knew could exist, and engaging in the eternal, unending process of proper home decoration (at least, when you were two young girls of a most sophisticated and dynamic palette).

It had been no different for Charles Spinnet, what with his demon captain and the generally rigorous life of a professional athlete on a winning team who also happened to be voted into the All-Stars Quidditch match. Despite the dreamy whirlwind of New Year's Eve, they had seen very little of each other as their scheduled failed to coordinate. Just a few notes by owl, mixed with a handful of rather stolen visits which were a curious combination of strange and familiar. If she was being very honest with herself, Penelope admitted that she was maintaining her distance from him at least partly on purpose.

Even if he wasn't involved with someone else, they had still been apart for three months. They didn't know each other particularly well before that time—how could they be even close to the same people now? No, she didn't actually know Charles Spinnet, and found herself shyly paralyzed at the idea of revealing all the glorious faults and shortcomings of her real self.

Luckily, today was neither the time nor place for such unpleasantness.

Perhaps they didn't know all that much about one another, but she did know his broom make of preference, which side of the hoops he favoured, exactly how he carried himself when tense, and the number of times he had to nervously pace before an intelligible thought could be pried from him. Today, especially, that was all she needed.

For today was an important game—though the words were a gross understatement. Having ultimately secured first place in the Phoenix league by just a margin of 20 points, this was the game that would determine to what advantage the Kestrels entered the play-offs, and the state of morale the team would be in. Frankly, she wasn't worried about the former so much as the latter, as she watched Charles get up and find some excuse to pace the length of his sitting room for just about the tenth time. His tension had been nearly palpable since she'd dropped by to wish him luck that morning.

Curled up on the sofa, with her chin resting in her hand, her eyes tracked his non-progress. "I could take your mind off it," she offered in a politely salacious manner that was only half joking. "If you'd let me." This had also been a small point of contention between the two of them, if largely unspoken. But only a small one, of course.
22 January 1983 @ 12:31 pm
Speedy Owl to Penelope, Adam, and Veronica!!  
BRIAN IS TAKING HIS FIRST STEPS AROUND THE HOUSE! Hurry before he decides he's too good for walking and makes us carry him every where!!

26 December 1982 @ 11:36 pm
It felt good to be the host of the party, and not the one creating a scene and making an entrance. Though Charlie would never admit it, the therapy sessions with Healer Bonaccord had...well, he still wasn't happy with everything going on in his life, but it had given him an outlet other than the bar, and that was allowing him let out the pent up stress he'd been bottling in. It was hard to figure things out by yourself, and for someone whose ego was as fragile as his, Charlie was slowly realizing that he needed a complete stranger to release his anxieties.

Of course, he wouldn't feel like he'd completely found peace until he managed to get her in the sack, but that was just a personal goal of his.

At any rate, Charlie was finding that being the host was interesting. Everyone knew you were going to be there, so there wasn't a great surprise when they saw you, but after those greetings were done they were off to see who else had shown up. It looked like a good outcome, but Charlie felt a bit slighted as it was pretty deep into the night and a certain invitee had not appeared in the crowd. With a breath he pushed the door open to the balcony and stepped out into the cool December night.

He stuck his hands into his pockets, spotting some displays of fireworks over the tops of the surrounding buildings. Charlie grinned at the early celebrations and let his shoulder sag.

ooc: guests = quidditch related people + their guest?
14 December 1982 @ 12:16 am
WHO: Charlie Spinnet and his new therapist person, Therese :D
WHAT: His first session actually gets maybe something accomplished?
WHERE: Her offices!
WHEN: Today! After practice

He really did not like this healer. She was making him think. )
20 November 1982 @ 06:37 pm
Owl Post!  
Owl to Penelope )
16 November 1982 @ 03:41 am
WHO: Chester and his new BFF
WHERE: Diagon Ally
WHEN: Yesterday?

Chester couldn’t imagine how people functioned on a daily basis with real emotions such as these. )