30 December 1980 @ 12:18 pm
Corner/Englewood Wedding! For New Year's Eve!  
Getting married was absolutely terrifying. No matter how smoothly Gabriel proceeded through the planning, the discussions, and the actual event, he was holding back getting sick the second he could catch a moment to himself. He knew he didn't love Rachel yet, which might be the reason why he was finding himself so nervous as they sat at the head table of their reception, but he did honestly---he did honestly believe that he could fall in love with this woman. She was fiery with a mind of her own, and though some people might be irritated by it, Gabriel actually appreciated the way she took control of things. He had always been a bit of a follower, and it was easy to agree with Rachel because her reasoning simply made sense.

The reception did look fantastic. Gabriel couldn't believe it was all put together within two short months, but then again he was learning that Rachel was a woman who set her goals and refused to leave them unfinished. Maybe he should look at that as a good thing; surely someone who did not want to get married would not have put so much effort into the ceremony? Or she simply wanted to throw the most beautiful wedding of them all, simply because she could. He didn't know, and didn't mind not finding out as long as they remained content with each other.

He did find her very interesting, however, and that was the first thing a Ravenclaw looked for in a spouse. Maybe all of his concerns were for naught, and it was simply wedding day jitters. His parents had been arranged in a similar manner, and they were still quite happily married (and sometimes nauseatingly sweet about it, too). Gabriel turned and smiled at Rachel, pushing his chair out and offering his hand, "Would you like to dance?"

A chorus of glasses clinging supported Gabriel, and he flushed slightly at all the attention that was on them, once again.

ooc: guest list! We did our best, but if we missed someone let us know!
14 December 1980 @ 05:09 pm
WHO: Mackenzie and Sebastian Goldstein
WHAT: Reacting to the news and divulging some secrets
WHERE: Goldstein Castle
WHEN: Later in the day

They thought I would be someone who could help end this war...how could I say no? )
21 November 1980 @ 01:05 am

They might be targeting muggleborn and pureblood marriages.
16 November 1980 @ 12:06 am
What was happening here, exactly? Mackenzie nervously brushed her hair down, letting her hands comb through it as she sought to ease herself. One minute, she was flipping through her journal while waiting for Anthony to wake up from his nap, and then next! The next Evan openly admits to wanting to talk to her about something that seemed legitimately important. Important as in Caradoc Dearborn, the proclaimed traitor important. And being nostalgic. Evan Roiser. The man who prides himself in now showing any emotion whatsoever. Especially when it came to their departed year-mate, and society for that matter.

Blinking quickly, Mackenzie pushed all depressive thoughts out of her head to calm herself. What Evan was so moved about could not be good, most definitely. And to add onto that, Sebastian would be so furious if he came home to see Evan in the house, let alone discussing anything outside of the weather. But--- this seemed to be important. Very important. If there was something maybe she could help with...

But that kind of thought was what got her in trouble last time, was it not? Mackenzie had promised to herself that she would stop with everything concerning her school friends, but, this seemed different. It didn't occur to her how much she was actually risking by talking to Evan; of course keeping her marriage from becoming frail again was of the highest importance, yet at the same time, this was Evan. She would not turn him away even if she tried.

Mackenzie just prayed Sebastian would come home after Evan left. Or that her talent for distraction him would be enough to give Evan time to leave without any notice.

Oh Merlin, that sounded horrible.

Rushing to the door at the sound of a knock, Mackenzie didn't wait a second before opening it. At the sight of Evan, her heart dropped. He looked right-out awful.
12 September 1980 @ 01:45 pm
Delivered to Mackenzie  
sent a little after Matilda's entry )
03 September 1980 @ 02:09 am
Who: Sebastian and Mackenzie Goldstein
What: They're like fuck it I can't live without you HOLD ME
Where: St. Mungo's!
When: Today :[ Angst filled day

He wasn't sure how he could be so right but feel so bloody wrong )
03 September 1980 @ 01:03 am
Who: Mackenzie Goldstein & Christopher Loftus
What: He's a very bad brother.
Where: Goldstein house :[
When: Yesterday!

She really needed to learn how to keep her mouth shut. )
29 August 1980 @ 01:08 am
28 August 1980 @ 01:39 am
Who: Sebastian & Mackenzie Goldstein
What: Death. The Goldsteins die.
When: Right now
Where: Their abode!

“After everything we have been through---what is it going to take? Anthony getting taken? Me getting hurt again---killed? What!” )
08 August 1980 @ 01:27 pm
Who: Sebastian and Mackenzie Goldstein
What: she finds him half dead!
Where: Mungo's
When: fluid time

How would he know he wasn't dying! He was not the professional here! )
05 August 1980 @ 09:39 pm
UPDATE! - An hour and a half after the initial report

"Diagon Alley is in a state of emergency, an earthquake has hit and shaken everyone and thing to its core. The Ministry of Magic has shut its doors---only aurors, hitwizards, and other authorized personnel may enter. Victims rescued from the Ministry will be sent directly to Hogwarts.

St. Mungo's is in a similar state; they are taking injuries off the street, but are overflowing and understaffed. Please, any retired healers, nurses, or medi wizards, your expertise is needed. Some overflow of St. Mungo's patients are being relocated to various wizarding locations outside of London, stay tuned for more information on that.

This day just keeps getting weirder-----tornadoes have struck various locations across the United Kingdom. Lanchashire, Bristol, Dublin, Hogsmeade, and Essex are currently reporting tornado strikes.

No---no casualties have been announced, as of yet. Hopefully it stays that way.

Sid--I'm just going to keep talking until you respond.

CHARACTERS INJURED 1-4 CAN RESPOND IMMEDIATELY! This will be updated as time goes by/we stop feeling evil
05 August 1980 @ 09:33 pm
"And you know what? There is not a sale worth going out in this heat, I'm serious!"

Javier grinned, putting up his hands in a defensive manner, "I'm sorry, but I don't need a pair of robes that badly, have you seen those temperatures? I'm surprised Fortescue's is still standing, would've thought they'd have melted awaaaaaay----whoa, what is---"

He gripped onto the desk, eyes widening as he rumbled and rolled away because the fucking building was shaking! Javier let out numerous words that were not politically correct to say on the wireless, and toppled out of his chair, busting his head on the floor. Strings of angry Spanish soared out of his mouth as he crawled up to his knees, and Javier grabbed the microphone.

Through the glass he saw that the other members of his staff were looking like they'd just been shot, and it took Javier a few good seconds to realize what the fuck happened, as another rumbling, rolling coursed through the studio. Javier dropped to the ground, covering his head with his hand as he shouted angrily into the microphone:


ooc: http://www.scribbld.net/users/valesco_mods/32947.html
12 June 1980 @ 09:52 pm
Slug Club Party! Open to Everyone  
Rebecca smiled tightly as Professor Slughorn finally left her grasp, and she wiped at her eyes. Oh, this was terrible! Professor Slughorn had been her absolute favorite, and as a head of house, you couldn't ask for more! Rebecca had constantly gone to him for career advice, life advice, and just to talk, and yes--he was a bit stuck in his ways, but it wasn't a bad thing to want to make good connections. He knew how to truly be a Slytherin, and she was sad that he was leaving his post.

She should be happy that he was leaving the same year she finished her education at Hogwarts, but knowing that the Potions Master was not going to be in the dungeons come September constantly reminded Rebecca that she would not be in the school after June. It was a terrifying thought, being a Hogwarts graduate. Rebecca was sure she was ready for her internship, but for the rest of the real world? She wasn't so sure.

There had been whisperings at the last family dinner, about proper suitors and all that..

She sighed greatly and lingered by the drinks, her eyes casting over the various punch bowls. Everyone looked lovely, and she would normally be in a twitter about the celebrities that roamed the Great Hall, but at the moment she could only be melancholy.

ooc: Euuuan?
02 June 1980 @ 09:37 pm
Old + Newly Invited Members! :O  
James felt like he was in a zoo on display, the feeling of a million pairs of eyes sitting upon him. Dumbledore had set up the Hog's Head as an 'informational meeting' of sorts, for people they had all suggested, thought of, and found to be highly trustworthy. These people were going to be offered to put their lives on the line for their dying secret society, and James was surprised as hell that so many had actually shown up.

They were all idiots, he believed.

But then again, they must all think that he and the rest of the original Order (he felt so old, saying that) were out of their minds. To them, the Order was just a bunch of kids who got caught up in a big, ugly mess and were now crying for help. Which it felt like, sometimes, but James wasn't ready to admit that out loud. He wasn't sure if he ever could, which was why he was staying uncharacteristically silent through the whole engagement. He was slumped in one of the booths of the tavern, eyes following the mingling and quite chatter that was going on.

Drinks will be served! Dumbledore had ended jovially, and James had sighed. Part of him felt like a wretched person for getting more and more people involved into the war, but the other, very tired part of him was ready to hand over the reigns and let Voldemort get some new toys to play with.