20 March 1984 @ 04:46 pm
Honestly Kendall should have just gone back to his place, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave. He’d practically had been living with Thomas since he moved in his new place. He couldn’t leave with the possibility that Thomas would come back to a empty house, that wasn’t that way when he left. If he abandoned the house, if felt like he would be abandoning his friend.

Except now Rose somehow managed to get back into the country, which he was grateful for, he really was, but it was strange letting her into Thomas’ home without him there to show it off himself. He was so proud of his new house. Would have been happy to have Rose over had she been in the country.

She had been back barely a day before Kendall had snuck out back to go sit on the dock by the lake. He should be helping Thomas build a practice pitch right now, not fighting the urge to snap at Rose for things that weren’t entirely her fault. It was great that she was back, he would be going crazy sitting here alone, but he couldn’t help but wonder if he would be going a little less crazy with her constant questions. Of course she cared now, where was she when Thomas moved, or when Kendall was traded, which he still hadn’t told her about. Clean disappeared for months and now suddenly back, he wasn’t use to her being constantly around anymore.

He looked up hearing footsteps behind him. It didn’t take her very long to track him down. “Hey,” he said quietly turning his gaze back to the water, “Just needed some fresh air.”
19 March 1984 @ 06:24 pm
Rose woke with a start, jolting up from her slumbering position against Axe's shoulder in a flourish. Blinking slowly, it took her a couple of seconds to collect her barrings, and let sink in where she was and why she was there.

"Did they unfreeze England yet?" she asked groggily, rubbing her eyes with one hand. With the other, she clutched her new journal in her lap tightly, too afraid of missing a potential message from Kendall to let go of it. Or, miss any kind of update for that matter, for once she had gotten her hands on it, it had become quite clear how in the dark she had become over the past two months concerning her homestead and the people she cared about in it. A small, tired frown formed on her face at that thought, and to distract herself, she let her eyes rove over the scene before them.

With all the people that were being denied back into the country, it appeared that the Ministry, or the British Embassy in Egypt, it was unclear, had created something of a free-standing waiting area at the usual portkey drop off/pick up area back to the UK. And, from the looks of it, some witches and wizards had been here for many days, while others only a few hours like her and Axe, and many in between. It was a stroke of luck that no one had seemed to recognize them yet, and if they had, hadn't bothered to do anything about it, which she appreciated.

Letting out a heavy sigh, Rose ran her fingers through her hair and tossed it over her shoulder in an attempt to wake herself up faster. And, look more appealing, because if she had fallen asleep, that must mean it was time for her hourly bribing and berating of the portkey staff. She supposed it seemed silly to wait and demand for something that didn't look like would happen anytime soon, but what else could she do? They strictly weren't letting anyone into the country, which she refused to accept, because she was getting back into England and they were going to find Thomas, so---

"What time is it?" she muttered, turning to face Axe.
18 March 1984 @ 10:14 pm
Delivered a rather irritated Owl to Rose  
Rose Addison Knightley, if you don't respond to this owl, and this is the third owl, so you know, I may never talk to you again. there may be dire consequences. So why don't you drop whoever what ever you are doing and take five minutes to floo me?
22 February 1984 @ 08:41 pm
Who: Axe & Rose!
What: omg
Where: british virgin islands!
When: this morning!

Did it count if her answer had to start with a ‘technically’? )
30 January 1984 @ 09:50 pm
Who: traveling Rose picks up a stray
What: vacation!
Where: british virgin islands
When: today!

Being here, on a pleasantly random beach in the Virgin Islands, she could already feel all her past troubles begin to wash away. )
25 January 1984 @ 05:30 pm
He held the omnioculars up at a nearly ninety degree angle to get a full, vivid view of the top of the waterfall they stood at the base of. He and Rose had emerged before sunrise to walk this trail of natural wonders of Istanbul and its surrounding area, and Thomas was making sure to soak it all in. The sun was only just beginning to rise above the high trees, creating a sparkling morning mist. It should be cold, especially near the water, but the magical community had taken this area as their own; the waterfall was physically untouched, but the water was charmed to the perfect temperature for a quick swim.

Or at least, that’s what the plaque said on their last checkpoint.

“How high do you think that is?” Thomas said as he continued to look through the treetops, his glove a slight hindrance to his hold. He was dressed head to toe in warm clothes, a woolly hat snug on his head, though he was beginning to regret it as the hike was building up a slight sweat. It felt good, though, to be exerting energy into something other than quidditch and running away from crazy ex-girlfriends.

The fresh air seemed to be rejuvenating, and Thomas actually found himself smiling at the sheer beauty of nature---when was the last time he'd literally just taken a walk through the park? This was a thousand times larger and much wilder than the park by his flat, but the sentiment was there. His mind needed the time to clear itself, and he could always count on Rose for a quiet, thought-provoking time.
27 November 1983 @ 07:48 pm
WHO: Rose Knightley & Octavius Pepper
WHAT: Rose has to retrieve something that belongs to her
WHERE: His place
WHEN: Er... tonight maybe?

Good seeing you, let me show you the way out. )
19 November 1983 @ 01:18 am
WHO: Kendall & Rose!
WHAT: Kendall doesn’t even fucking know what is going on in his life or how things got to where they were but there they were. fdhsdka;fjs and now he steals a letter out of rose’s purse and runs away cackling into the sunset
WHEN: now!

How could you not like the flowers? )
11 November 1983 @ 11:49 pm
WHO: Rose Knightley & Octavius Pepper
WHAT: A closing statement
WHERE: His place
WHEN: This weekend

So he could be angry with her all he wanted but she wasn’t going to play at it anymore. )
02 November 1983 @ 11:40 pm
WHO: Rose Knightley and Carys Parkin
WHAT: Rose goes nuts during the Kestrels game and Carys calls an important TIME OUT
WHERE: Catapults Stadium??
WHEN: Tonight during the match!

...was it her fault that he had an excruciatingly irritating face? )
24 October 1983 @ 01:45 pm
POSTED FOR SATURDAY~ Sinners & Saints Ghost Train!  

As the country side rushed by outside the window, Dianna could feel her pride grow with each passing second. She wasn't one to admit that she bragged about her achievements, but it would be a lie to think that she was not going to be boasting at how overwhelmingly amazing this event had turned out to be. The turn out had been far more than anticipated, the musicians that varied through every other cart were fantastic and livening up the mood---there were even ghosts of old conductors and passengers floating through the carts and having the time of their after-lives scaring the guests.

It was to be a fun, fantastic, frightful night. Dianna was beside herself with excitement, and she tugged her skirt down a bit and went on a search for a friendly face to interact with. Merlin, she'd really out done herself this time, she thought amusing as a cart-wide sized cobweb magically unspun to let her pass.

Dianna flipped a golden curl over her shoulder, smirking greatly. She was so brilliant.
21 October 1983 @ 03:46 pm
WHO: Octavius Pepper & Rose Knightley
WHERE: Rose's flat!
WHEN: the 20th! very early in the morning

He was going to hate her for the rest of their lives for this. )
18 October 1983 @ 01:20 am
As silly as it seemed, Rose had been quite glad Kendall had made her and Thomas solemnly promise to partake in a food-orientated gathering once a month from now on. With their schedules, and everything that had been going on, she hadn't realized how sorely she'd needed a night of just.... not feeling completely miserable. And laughing, lots of laughing, because that always made things seem a bit easier to deal with. Not that--- it was just--- Rose shut her eyes and shook her head. Today was one of the first days that she hadn't woken up feeling absolutely doubtful and horrid, and she would like to keep it that way.

Sitting further into her chair at the kitchen table, Rose continued to carefully play with the package her brother had owled over earlier. It wasn't unusual, for them to send things to each other every once in a while, but this gift was especially intriguing. It was a large collection of different flavored teas, which she supposed wasn't all that exciting, but upon further inspection Rose had noticed there were some she had not seen (Muggle, perhaps?), like--- Ayurvedic? On the back of the bags there were little blurbs explaining what the names meant, and how the flavors were made, and being a Ravenclaw through and through, it did not take long for her to pull her legs up and rest her chin on her knees in a comfortable reading position.

Somewhere between Oolong and Zocolatte, she faintly recognized the sound of knocks coming from the front door. Part of the reason why she had chosen to live in this building was it's rather impressive security, so it couldn't--- it was someone she knew, it always was. Comforted by that fact, and distracted enough, Rose mindlessly flicked her wand at the door and unlocked it.

"It's open!" she called, eyes never leaving the small print. Acai? She'd never even heard of that before.
06 October 1983 @ 05:55 pm
owl to octavius pepper  
package delivered in the afternoon )