03 September 1980 @ 01:03 am
Who: Mackenzie Goldstein & Christopher Loftus
What: He's a very bad brother.
Where: Goldstein house :[
When: Yesterday!

She really needed to learn how to keep her mouth shut. )
29 August 1980 @ 01:08 am
28 August 1980 @ 01:39 am
Who: Sebastian & Mackenzie Goldstein
What: Death. The Goldsteins die.
When: Right now
Where: Their abode!

“After everything we have been through---what is it going to take? Anthony getting taken? Me getting hurt again---killed? What!” )
08 August 1980 @ 01:27 pm
Who: Sebastian and Mackenzie Goldstein
What: she finds him half dead!
Where: Mungo's
When: fluid time

How would he know he wasn't dying! He was not the professional here! )
05 August 1980 @ 09:39 pm
UPDATE! - An hour and a half after the initial report

"Diagon Alley is in a state of emergency, an earthquake has hit and shaken everyone and thing to its core. The Ministry of Magic has shut its doors---only aurors, hitwizards, and other authorized personnel may enter. Victims rescued from the Ministry will be sent directly to Hogwarts.

St. Mungo's is in a similar state; they are taking injuries off the street, but are overflowing and understaffed. Please, any retired healers, nurses, or medi wizards, your expertise is needed. Some overflow of St. Mungo's patients are being relocated to various wizarding locations outside of London, stay tuned for more information on that.

This day just keeps getting weirder-----tornadoes have struck various locations across the United Kingdom. Lanchashire, Bristol, Dublin, Hogsmeade, and Essex are currently reporting tornado strikes.

No---no casualties have been announced, as of yet. Hopefully it stays that way.

Sid--I'm just going to keep talking until you respond.

CHARACTERS INJURED 1-4 CAN RESPOND IMMEDIATELY! This will be updated as time goes by/we stop feeling evil
12 June 1980 @ 09:52 pm
Slug Club Party! Open to Everyone  
Rebecca smiled tightly as Professor Slughorn finally left her grasp, and she wiped at her eyes. Oh, this was terrible! Professor Slughorn had been her absolute favorite, and as a head of house, you couldn't ask for more! Rebecca had constantly gone to him for career advice, life advice, and just to talk, and yes--he was a bit stuck in his ways, but it wasn't a bad thing to want to make good connections. He knew how to truly be a Slytherin, and she was sad that he was leaving his post.

She should be happy that he was leaving the same year she finished her education at Hogwarts, but knowing that the Potions Master was not going to be in the dungeons come September constantly reminded Rebecca that she would not be in the school after June. It was a terrifying thought, being a Hogwarts graduate. Rebecca was sure she was ready for her internship, but for the rest of the real world? She wasn't so sure.

There had been whisperings at the last family dinner, about proper suitors and all that..

She sighed greatly and lingered by the drinks, her eyes casting over the various punch bowls. Everyone looked lovely, and she would normally be in a twitter about the celebrities that roamed the Great Hall, but at the moment she could only be melancholy.

ooc: Euuuan?
08 January 1980 @ 12:30 am
No one, not even Sebastian, was able to contain Mackenzie at this point. No, no matter how much he resisted her, and tried to constrain her to him, she refused to let him keep her from finding out what was really going on. And Evan, no no, he was most certainly not keeping her from finding out anything either. Because she knew he knew, she just knew he did. Just like how she knew that he knew what really happened to Orpheus. Because she wasn't completely dense, nor blind. Orpheus, Caradoc and Evan.... oh, well they were Slytherin pureblood boys for Merlin's sake, a random person off the street would most likely be able to guess what they really were. It wasn't hard, just common sense. And up to this point, she had--- well, ignored it almost. Because they wouldn't be that stupid to get involved with something as radical with that, and they were, they were them. The same stupid boys that she had spent all of Hogwarts with! They wouldn't do things like murder, or torture. They just wouldn't.

Taking a deep breath, Mackenzie composed herself to the best of her ability once she approached Evan's doorstep. This was going to be challenging, she knew but, not unachievable. Evan would tell her, he had to, it wasn't some cult secret anymore, Caradoc was missing for heaven's sake! Or possibly even--- she swallowed, completely not accepting the possibility that he might be dead. He couldn't be dead, nothing honestly seemed to--- no.

Caradoc missing, Orpheus in Azkaban... what was happening to them?

"Evan!" Mackenzie's voice rang through his flat as she swung the door open forcefully. "Oh shut up Aegis!" She heard the dog before she saw it, but now, her patience was running thin. The fact that she had rudely barged in did not phase her, nor did her yelling at every living being in the home.
22 October 1979 @ 11:52 pm
Mackenzie had never honestly been to Mary MacDonald's home before. That little fact had occurred to her after she had left Mungo's and decided to go over the girl's house to check up on her. So it was a feat in itself that Mackenzie had managed to find the little flat without Sebastian's help whatsoever, just remembering tidbits he had said in passing, and perhaps asking some people along the way that she did not know. But the point was that she was there, and trying to help this girl that she did not exactly know well. Or at least enough to call her more than an acquaintance through her husband.

What had compelled her to come, Mackenzie would never know. There was not necessarily a bridge to rebuild per say, or anything like that, since the two of them had actually never really talked before, but maybe doing this now would take care of any leftover and lingering ill feelings that might still be present. Because honestly enough, while she did not know Mary personally, Mackenzie was very much aware of how opinionated she was about... things. So, going to check up on the poor girl certainly shouldn't hurt.

Oh, Merlin. She sounded like one of the boys; trying to make sure the way people thought of her was in tact. When had that ever bothered her before?

Shaking her head, Mackenzie took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Maybe they would become friends. Why not? All of her friends seemed to hate each other, so why not add another person to the list? Or, you know. They could just hate each other, which was incredibly likely too. Or really, Mary wouldn't like her and Mackenzie would just stay away from her; Mackenzie liked to reserve the word of 'hate' for just one person in her life, and she was fairly certain Mary MacDonald was not her.

"I brought crackers!"
16 September 1979 @ 08:35 pm
2AM this morning  
It was a good thing he was in the hospital, because if Sebastian had another cup of coffee he was sure he was going to end up vibrating into bloody atoms and start walking through walls and just---dissolve into a different universe.

Okay, okay that was an exaggeration, but with every crash came insane ideas, and now that he was at the height of his fourth---fifth, fifth? Was it fifth? Okay, whatever number it was, Sebastian was attempting to control himself and his shaking limbs.

This was bloody ridiculous. He shouldn't have to wait until two in the morning to speak to his wife. Mackenzie wasn't the only one that had been doing the avoiding, Sebastian was quite sure they hadn't said more than ten words to each other since he got the ministry tattoo, but he'd made the attempt now, right? That had to mean something, right? No healer in their right mind would ever work such long hours unless they--they didn't need the money, Mackenzie was already a resident so it wasn't like she needed the experience, so it was obvious that she was avoiding him and he couldn't think and wow did they put a lot of cinnamon in this cup.

The clicking of heels made his head snap quickly, and Sebastian groaned, hand going up. You can't pull something just turning, right? He managed a grin at his wife and attempted to ignore the fact that they both looked like they didn't want to be there.
29 August 1979 @ 09:20 pm
Who: Sebastian Goldstein and Mackenzie Goldstein
What: Tattoos and inner most thoughts XD
Where: Goldstein Castle
When: Some...time >>

Oh, she was so incredibly selfish, so foolish for thinking that this would never bother them )
25 July 1979 @ 10:06 pm
Anneliese Jugson.

Even after she had time to officially get use to her new name, it still made her skin tingle. Anneliese Jugson, Anneliese Jugson--- she was finally married now. There was nothing else in the world that she could possibly focus on, or even think about, beside that this was her perfect wedding and she was now, officially, married to the most wonderful man in the world. Nothing could possibly even begin to bother her, because everything was perfect. Everything from the cake all the way down to their little green favors-- she wouldn't have changed one thing. Their guests were allowed to bring home everything, placeholders, centerpieces-- anything. Of course, that was to happen after she had stated it was alright to do so, and had one of her own to keep, but even then if they went home with nothing it wouldn't bother her that much.

Anneliese sighed happily as she sat, almost in a daze. Her dress still fit beautifully, and now she finally understood why brides were so adamant about no one else wearing white to a wedding; she felt nearly divine at this point.

Oh, she really did love weddings.

No, she really did love her wedding.

And Will, she loved him too.

Blinking herself out of her own haze, Anneliese slowly turned her head to face Will. "I love you," she cooed lowly, fingers reaching to lace with his. She really, honestly did. Anyone that could put up with her hysterical self like he did just days before the wedding most definitely deserved that, at the very least. Anneliese leaned forward to gently press her lips onto his for a few seconds before pulling back to smile.

14 July 1979 @ 11:20 pm
Who: Goldsteins!
What: Babies
Where: Their lovely abode
When: Tonight

Hopefully Sebastian would be on the same page as her. Or the same chapter. Or even reading the same book. )
26 June 1979 @ 04:00 pm
Mackenzie sighed, and readjusted the large book in her arms to a more comfortable position while waiting for Evan to come to the door. She hardly doubted that this photo-album would help 'distract' him from whatever was on his mind, but she had just recently found it while digging for old potion's notes, so, volia. That, plus she had really been pressed for time to come up with something to bring over. There were some funny pictures in there, at the least, so maybe Evan would cheer up from all the stupid stuff they use to do.

Though honestly, sometimes, Mackenzie really worried about him. And not just the in regular way of worry that she felt for the rest of their friends (because yes, they definitely needed it). But in a serious concern sort of way, because, well, it was Evan. He always seemed upset, mad, moody or angry, and she was fairly certain in that the whole time she had known him, she had rarely seen him happy. That wasn't something normal people accomplished, was it? Sebastian had so nicely pointed that out to her a few times.

But maybe everything would be fine. She certainly believed so; this was probably nothing. After a few more moments of waiting, the door finally opened and Mackenzie put on a small smile. "I bought photos," she stated warmly, holding the book up for Evan to see.
18 February 1979 @ 08:13 pm
Who: Grayson Wilkes and Amery Wilkes
What: Brother brawl
Where: Ministry
When: Monday eveningish.

"Yes, thank you, I will check up on that," Amery called over his shoulder, anxious to get away from his direct superior. The one thing he could not stand about fronting as a Ministry official was that he was actually expected to do his job. This was something of a problem, seeing as how Amery detested most work, and could not really even name what it was his department did. Which was why he hated meaning anybody he had to answer to.

Speaking of actual work, Amery needed to get to one of the conference rooms on his floor so he could make sure that his notes and materials were in order for his presentation conference tomorrow. Fishing the key out from his pocket, he smiled and waved benignly at some other official he was supposed to know and suck up to, and slipped inside the conference room.

That was funny. He had told his assistant to bring in the materials that morning... why were they not in there?