18 March 1984 @ 10:14 pm
Delivered a rather irritated Owl to Rose  
Rose Addison Knightley, if you don't respond to this owl, and this is the third owl, so you know, I may never talk to you again. there may be dire consequences. So why don't you drop whoever what ever you are doing and take five minutes to floo me?
13 March 1984 @ 11:39 pm
Thomas twisted the broken piece of wood between his fingers, having been unable to put it away since it had arrived in the post. He spun the familiar handle in his hand, the grooves and curves bringing back memories good and bad: the smell of Ollivander's shop and the surprise at how easily the wand had chosen him and the vague, blurry memory of the wand being snapped, the crack reverberating between his ears. Thomas had thought this wand had been lost forever, but to have it back in his possession once more was not a fortunate thing. Whoever had taken the wand in the first place was sending him a message, and he didn't like it one bit.

"What are you making?" Thomas asked without much of a question in his tone as he entered his kitchen. Kendall was preparing what he assumed was dinner, but Thomas kept his gaze down as he pulled open a clutter drawer (that wasn't particularly cluttered, as he couldn't stand a mess) and placed the wand into it. He'd held onto the wand tightly since it had arrived, but not in the presence of his friend. He still wasn't sure what to do with the entire situation; would telling people about it make it worse or would simply ignoring it cause it to go away?

He slid onto a stool at the end of the kitchen island, lifting his chin to try and get a look at what was being stirred in the saucepan. "That doesn't smell healthy."
05 March 1984 @ 11:11 pm
Who: Kendall and Nona
Where: Sitting in a tree
What: K-i-s-s-i-n-g
When: Valentine's Day (FIRST COMES LOVE!)
Status: Finishing in comments (THEN COMES MARRIAGE COMMENTS!)

May I come in? Or do I need to sign a wavier first stating that I understand the risks of keeping a very pretty sick girl company? )
20 January 1984 @ 04:21 pm
WHO: Kendall Broadmoor & Nona Pepper
WHAT: Sharing a table
WHERE: A busy little street cafe
WHEN: MAHHH tonight?

Perhaps, I could convince you to switch allegiances? )
23 November 1983 @ 11:53 am
Semi-Anonymous Owl for Octavius Pepper  
Delivered by a standard Post Owl )
19 November 1983 @ 01:18 am
WHO: Kendall & Rose!
WHAT: Kendall doesn’t even fucking know what is going on in his life or how things got to where they were but there they were. fdhsdka;fjs and now he steals a letter out of rose’s purse and runs away cackling into the sunset
WHEN: now!

How could you not like the flowers? )
11 November 1983 @ 02:30 am
Who: Broadmoors
Where: Kendall's Flat
What: idek. Words
When: Nowish?

Painted yourself such the black sheep, haven’t you. )
24 October 1983 @ 01:45 pm
POSTED FOR SATURDAY~ Sinners & Saints Ghost Train!  

As the country side rushed by outside the window, Dianna could feel her pride grow with each passing second. She wasn't one to admit that she bragged about her achievements, but it would be a lie to think that she was not going to be boasting at how overwhelmingly amazing this event had turned out to be. The turn out had been far more than anticipated, the musicians that varied through every other cart were fantastic and livening up the mood---there were even ghosts of old conductors and passengers floating through the carts and having the time of their after-lives scaring the guests.

It was to be a fun, fantastic, frightful night. Dianna was beside herself with excitement, and she tugged her skirt down a bit and went on a search for a friendly face to interact with. Merlin, she'd really out done herself this time, she thought amusing as a cart-wide sized cobweb magically unspun to let her pass.

Dianna flipped a golden curl over her shoulder, smirking greatly. She was so brilliant.
11 October 1983 @ 11:40 pm
Who: Brookstanton and Broadmoor
What: Lol Nonesense
Where: Um where ever the kestrels eat lunch
Status: Still technically not done but its funny sooo

I was just going to ~taste~ it. )
14 September 1983 @ 01:50 am
Who: Kendall Broadmoor & Rose Knightley!
Where: her sad flat
When: todayish!

Kendall had no idea what to do. Rose was crying and he was at a complete loss. )
05 September 1983 @ 12:49 am
Who: Mr. Pepper and Mr. Broadmoor
What: Wouldn't you like to know.
Where: A pub.
When: Recently

There. He felt better not at all. )
29 July 1983 @ 11:21 am
All Star Gala! For Saturday!  
In all honesty, he would rather be on his broomstick, making up practice and his regiments than dressed up at a party. Thomas knew that the All Star match didn't really count, but when you were flying among the best of the best, a player wanted to be the best of the best. He wasn't as rusty as he thought he'd be, but just the lack of flying made his muscles more sore after practice than he was used to. He was barely holding himself up, and if it weren't for the beautiful woman on his arm he'd probably be slumped in a chair, ready to pass out from exhaustion.

Samantha was back and he could fly. Both of his best friends had made the all-star team, and they were going to be playing together for the first time in their careers. Thomas really couldn't think of anything that could make him happier, though showing up Brookstanton on the pitch might be the cherry on top. They were teammates, and however much Thomas found the other beater loathsome, he would work with him for the win. It would at least be an interesting match, if anything.

"Would you like to dance?" he asked Samantha, smiling. He'd missed her terribly and was glad that her stint out of the country was over. Just in time.
22 July 1983 @ 02:50 am
Rose had both arms wrapped around one of Octavius', swinging her legs with pointed toes as they walked down the cobbled street. That had been a nice date, with nice weather, nice food--- nice everything! They should have more dates like that one! Just calm, relaxed and--- happy! She just felt so happy in this moment, and not because of the beverage they had been drinking, but because they were getting back to normal again, with genuine happy feelings, and--- it just made her so happy to be happy with her boyfriend!

"Ohh, ohh, we should go get-- get---" Rose patted Octavius every time the word at the tip of her tongue escaped her. Desserts! Make desserts? No no, it was like pie but not really at all-- "Tarts!" she exclaimed happily, jumping slightly as it finally came to her. Though, she was rather full, so maybe something less heavy? "Or maybe whipped cream." Her smile curled into a grin as she her thoughts wandered, despite looking up to Octavius playfully. Her eyes strayed, just for a second and---

"Look it's Kendall!" she pointed, interrupting herself as she spotted their friend through the bar window they were walking by. What was he doing all alone by himself? That was sad. He had friends! He wasn't a loner! He shouldn't be looking sad! Though, the Kestrels had just lost to Pride, so that was kind of sad because who wanted them still winning?

Getting a smart idea, Rose turned back to Octavius. "Let's go say hi!" she said quickly, letting go of him to skip to the pub. It felt like she and Kendall hadn't talked in ages--- well, not really, but... just not as much as usual? With their schedules, and Thomas, and everything else... she didn't know what was going on with him. That was not acceptable.

"HI!" Rose exclaimed, promptly resting her elbow on the bar and her chin in her hand as she plopped herself in the seat next to Kendall.
25 April 1983 @ 09:53 pm
Who: Kendall Broadmoor, Rose Knightley & Thomas McCormack
Where: Cafe! Flat! Field! SO MANY PLACES SO LITTLE TIME!
When: Now!
Status: Finishing in Comments!

It better be good, and she better have something for him, too. )
25 February 1983 @ 08:42 pm
The Cup!  
Well, it had definitely been a good one.

Finn pushed through the crowd, exhausted, drenched with sweat and rain. The weather had been brutal, making it absolutely impossible to see the snitch, let alone any other ball being thrown around on the pitch; even the players had been hard to make out, and he had cursed the rain and the lightening and thunder. Those zooming on the broomsticks had collided more than once, and he was sure that some of his players and the Kestrels were flying with broken bones. But, no one on either team was willing to sit out the match.

It was the biggest game of their lives, for most of them. He had some champions on his team, hell even Jenkins had a cup under his belt. Some had never been in this spotlight, and some survived on it. Finn was one of those blokes, and in the back of his head he knew that if he didn't catch the snitch tonight that this could quite possibly be his last game. The United's management was notorious when it came to using up a player's skills until they weren't winning anymore. Captains didn't last very long in Puddlemere, and as Finn's feet touched the grass of the pitch, he decided he was going to be much classier than any of the upper management in the United offices could ever be.

He pushed through the crowd, wincing at the fireworks until he spotted the green robes of the person he'd locked his gaze on. No, he wasn't going toward Brookstanton (Finn wasn't that classy), but to the other seeker. He pulled on Broadmoor's arm, knowing the young seeker also had a lot of pride riding on his shoulders because of this match. When he turned him around, Finn's eyes couldn't help but duck down to the wings of the snitch that were poking out the side of Broadmoor's fist, the one-hundred and fifty points that had won the Kestrels the cup. Finn stuck out his hand.

"Nice catch," he said with a firm nod.

ooc: This thread is for anything related to the cup: instant celebrations, deep dark depressions, watching from the crowd---if it relates to the cup, then you can thread it here :)