29 June 1981 @ 07:43 pm
Who: Marissa MacFusty
What: ???
Where: MacFusty homestead, this morning
Status: Complete narrative

Listen to the sound...of my big, black boots. )
25 June 1981 @ 10:00 pm
She hadn't wanted to bring this up with James until she was completely sure that they had something concrete and that Frank could move into legal action, but seeing James post like that -- so angry -- had made her move into action. Between him and Sturgis she was going to slit her own goddamn wrists, so the least she could do was cheer them up the way she knew how.

With James, it meant beer and cigars (even if she'd never seen him smoke -- boys would at least smoke them even if they'd never done it before) and telling him about the suspicious activity she and Frank had seen when they'd arrived at the scene of Mr. Potter's death.

She pushed the door to the Order house open with her hip and closed the door behind her, making sure it was locked before she headed into the hallway and tried to find James.

She ended up dropping the beer (cold, charmed to stay that way for at least six hours) and cigars onto the table in a somewhat messy pile.

29 May 1981 @ 03:48 pm
To Friends and Family of Odette MacFarlan!  

For fun, RSVP in comments with like...cute gifts or something! Estella would have said to owl them or something! For her quidditch bloke friends---they can definitely come, but Estella probably sent out a warning like GIRLS SQUEALING ABOUT BABY CLOTHES the whole time XD But the ones in the tags were the people like BETTER SHOW UP lmao idk xD And only Noah knows the sex. So. Hence the gender neutral invite and ~decorations~ >> that I may or may not pick out lmao
05 August 1980 @ 08:57 pm
Dirk loved his job, he did, but he loved Fridays even more. He still got to go in and work with the goblins (when they let him!), but he got to look forward to a nice quiet weekend of doing whatever he pleased. Lately it had been trying to get Derek to hang out with him, even though that usually just involved watching telly. It was something! Dirk was worried about his big cousin, especially now with the war getting so intense and--

He blinked curiously, as the shelves of his cubicle began to shake. Dirk's eyes twitched back and forth as he watched the pictures he had hanging drop to the floor, and the bust of Gorgak the Terrible started to inch forward and forward. And his desk was shaking, and now his chair, and Dirk was startled to his feet at the sound of someone screaming, "EARTHQUAKE!"

An earthquake! Oh hell, Dirk had just been thinking that some erumpents had escaped again! Earthquake! What was the first rule of an earthquake? These were NOT the things they taught you in Hogwarts! How was he supposed to survive an earthquake if he didn't have the proper training?! DEREK WOULD KNOW WHAT TO DO, THAT IS WHY DIRK WANTED TO REMAIN CLOSE TO HIM AND----

The bust of Gorgak the Terrible teetered off the shelf and smacked Dirk straight in the forehead, making him drop to the ground, and thankfully roll under his desk.

He really did love his job, he did.

ooc: http://www.scribbld.net/users/valesco_mods/32698.html
05 July 1980 @ 08:45 pm
Baby Shower Owl!  

ooc: Baby Shower Page - Liz says it's a-okay to leave gifts in the comments lmao And if you're not on the invite list but think you should be (UNLESS YOU ARE OF THE MALE/ANIMAL SPECIES) you can comment here. Send presents! She really thinks everyone in the world should send presents but yanno.
02 June 1980 @ 09:37 pm
Old + Newly Invited Members! :O  
James felt like he was in a zoo on display, the feeling of a million pairs of eyes sitting upon him. Dumbledore had set up the Hog's Head as an 'informational meeting' of sorts, for people they had all suggested, thought of, and found to be highly trustworthy. These people were going to be offered to put their lives on the line for their dying secret society, and James was surprised as hell that so many had actually shown up.

They were all idiots, he believed.

But then again, they must all think that he and the rest of the original Order (he felt so old, saying that) were out of their minds. To them, the Order was just a bunch of kids who got caught up in a big, ugly mess and were now crying for help. Which it felt like, sometimes, but James wasn't ready to admit that out loud. He wasn't sure if he ever could, which was why he was staying uncharacteristically silent through the whole engagement. He was slumped in one of the booths of the tavern, eyes following the mingling and quite chatter that was going on.

Drinks will be served! Dumbledore had ended jovially, and James had sighed. Part of him felt like a wretched person for getting more and more people involved into the war, but the other, very tired part of him was ready to hand over the reigns and let Voldemort get some new toys to play with.

11 February 1979 @ 08:39 pm
Otto really didn't understand how he was related to Ludo, sometimes. With the girl drama, and the...well, every other kind of drama, he could swear that they weren't related at all. He was a person who tried to avoid conflict! Sure, he was a bit of a prankster but that didn't mean he got in trouble a lot. Well, most of the time he didn't. So how his younger brother seemed to attact trouble, he didn't know. But, because he was his brother, he tried to help him out the best he could, even if he seriously just couldn't understand why Ludo had such crappy luck when it came to girls. Not that he didn't have any girlfriends, but they always had baggage.

Currently, the older of the Bagman brothers was laying flopped out on his couch, his journal resting on the table beside him, waiting to see if Ludo would reply back to his last comment that he had written him. His hands were resting beneath his head as he stared at the ceiling, distracting himself by trying to figure out how that big dent had gotten there. Brows furrowed together as he tried to think back on what could have caused it, tilting his head to the side, as though this would help.

"...what the hell?"

His words were mumbled, since he didn't think anyone else was near enough to answer the rhetorical question. He just figured he'd verbalize his curiosity.