Otto really didn't understand how he was related to Ludo, sometimes. With the girl drama, and the...well, every other kind of drama, he could swear that they weren't related at all. He was a person who tried to avoid conflict! Sure, he was a bit of a
prankster but that didn't mean he got in
trouble a lot. Well, most of the time he didn't. So how his younger brother seemed to attact trouble, he didn't know. But, because he
was his brother, he tried to help him out the best he could, even if he seriously just couldn't understand why Ludo had such crappy luck when it came to girls. Not that he didn't have any girlfriends, but they always had baggage.
Currently, the older of the Bagman brothers was laying flopped out on his couch, his journal resting on the table beside him, waiting to see if Ludo would reply back to his last comment that he had written him. His hands were resting beneath his head as he stared at the ceiling, distracting himself by trying to figure out how that big
dent had gotten there. Brows furrowed together as he tried to think back on what could have caused it, tilting his head to the side, as though this would
"...what the hell?"
His words were mumbled, since he didn't think anyone else was near enough to answer the rhetorical question. He just figured he'd
verbalize his curiosity.